Bible Illiterate No More

One Year BibleA bit of a mile­stone – I fin­ished the One Year Bible read­ing plan last night! I man­aged to stretch it out to 27 months but that’s alright. I start­ed in Jan­u­ary 2009 and ini­tial­ly kept the dai­ly read­ings going till May of that year, when I feel hope­less­ly behind. I kept a men­tal note of the date and in May 2010 I start­ed where I had left off. I kept read­ing reg­u­lar­ly until the last week in Decem­ber, when I was under­stand­ably dis­tract­ed by the birth of our third son Gre­go­ry on 12/28. Know­ing I want­ed to keep the cycle going, I skipped that week and start­ed again on Jan­u­ary 1, 2011. It was only last night that I went back and fin­ished up that last week – fea­tur­ing Malachi and Rev­e­la­tions (which has the Lam­b’s War metaphor so impor­tant to ear­ly Friends).

Thanks go to Gregg Kosela and AJ Schwanz for let­ting me know such a thing as one year Bible read­ing plans exist­ed. I had nev­er been able to stick to a reg­u­lar Bible-reading reg­i­men before. The grand­moth­er who fre­quent­ly declared me a Bible illit­er­ate would be so proud! (Actu­al­ly not, she’d find some­thing else to cri­tique, but her hangups around fam­i­ly and “Chris­t­ian” liv­ing are a much longer blog post!).

It’s been great hav­ing a reg­u­lar spir­i­tu­al prac­tice. I’m glad I can find my way around the Bible now and my under­stand­ing of Friends has deep­ened. The ear­ly Quak­er writ­ings are steeped in Bib­li­cal allu­sions and we miss a lot when we miss those references.

3 thoughts on “Bible Illiterate No More

    1. Hi Gregg: Sweet, thanks. I knew you were some­where.… I found the 2009 post from the new site and put the link into that. I did­n’t real­ize it was Tall Skin­ny Kiwi that start­ed that ball rolling – I’m a reg­u­lar read­er of his these days. It’s also fun­ny to see he linked to You​ver​sion​.com, which is one of the reada­long edi­tion’s I’ve been using since they came out with an App on the Google Chrome store (the oth­er is the paper copy I linked to before). There have prob­a­bly been half a dozen posts inspired by the One Year Bible read­ings but I haven’t writ­ten any­thing more method­i­cal about it vis-a-vis Quak­er stuff. It would be good to do some day – but not right now. Kids final­ly in bed, time to rein­tro­duce myself to the Mrs.

  1. I’m work­ing on the One Year Bible now. Thanks for your post. It is an inspi­ra­tion to keep going. I’ve fall­en a lit­tle behind 

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