Future of Quaker media at Pendle Hill next month

I’m part of a dis­cus­sion at the Pen­dle Hill con­fer­ence cen­ter out­side Philadel­phia next month. Every­one’s invit­ed. It’s a rare chance to real­ly bring a lot of dif­fer­ent read­ers and media pro­duc­ers (offi­cial and DIY) togeth­er into the same room to map out where Quak­er media is head­ed. If you’re a pas­sion­ate read­er or think that Quak­er pub­li­ca­tions are vital to our spir­i­tu­al move­ment, then do try to make it out.

Youtube, Twit­ter, pod­casts, blogs, books. Where’s it all going and who’s doing it? How does it tie back to Quak­erism? What does it mean for Friends and our insti­tu­tions? Join pan­elists Charles Mar­tin, Gabriel Ehri and Mar­tin Kel­ley, along with Quak­er pub­lish­ers and writ­ers from around the world, and read­ers and media enthu­si­asts, for a wide-ranging dis­cus­sion about the future of Quak­er media.

We will begin with some wor­ship at 7.00pm If you’d like a deli­cious Pen­dle Hill din­ner before­hand please reply to the Face­book event wall (see http://​on​.fb​.me/​q​u​a​k​e​r​m​e​dia). Din­ner is at 6.00pm and will cost $12.50

This is part of this year’s Quak­ers Unit­ing in Pub­li­ca­tions con­fer­ence. QUIP has been hav­ing to re-imagine its role over the last ten years as so many of its anchor pub­lish­ers and book­stores have closed. I have a big con­cern that a lot of online Quak­er mate­r­i­al is being pro­duced by non-Quakers and/or in ways that aren’t real­ly root­ed in typ­i­cal Quak­er process­es. Maybe we can talk about that some at Pen­dle Hill.

14,085 thoughts on “Future of Quaker media at Pendle Hill next month

  1. We can think about it. I must admit I’ve nev­er tried Hang­outs. Does it work as a broad­cast­er? I would think ustream would be bet­ter for some­thing like this…

  2. There are two modes… 

    Just as a hang­out by itself, you’re lim­it­ed to 8 (or 10?) peo­ple and it’s two way com­mu­ni­ca­tion (though you could broad­cast and receivers could just mute themselves).

    Google offers an exten­sion to Hang­out that lets non-profits broad­cast via Hang­out and YouTube. So you can have a Hang­out but your Hang­out has a live YouTube stream that can go out to a larg­er num­ber of people.

    I can dig up a link to info on that if you’re inter­est­ed but there might not be enough time to get that set up. I have no idea how long it takes them to ver­i­fy non-profit status.

    The sec­ond mode works sim­i­lar to Ustream… The only dif­fer­ence is you don’t have to pay and your users don’t have to view ads (though you do have to be a legal non-profit).

    I’d be inter­est­ed in tun­ing in via Ustream or any oth­er free type of ser­vice, too.

  3. Not the first time I’ve thought I should just car­ry a wifi repeater in my trav­el bag. I did flip open my lap­top and start Audac­i­ty record­ing. Don’t know the qual­i­ty but some might have come through.

  4. Tim O’Reil­ly has a few over 20 and one over 30 just in the past few days. See­ing the robust­ness of that con­vo is one of the rea­sons I haven’t ditched G+. It would actu­al­ly be good if more peo­ple used it.

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