Bits and pieces, remembering blogging

I real­ly should blog here more. I real­ly should. I spend a lot of my time these days shar­ing oth­er peo­ple’s ideas. Most recent­ly, on Friends Jour­nal you can see my inter­view with Jon Watts (co-conducted with Megan Kietzman-Nicklin). The three of us talked on and on for quite some time; it was only an inflex­i­ble train sched­ule that end­ed my participation.

The favorite part of talk­ing with Jon is his enthu­si­asm and his tal­ent for keep­ing his sights set on the long pic­ture (my favorite ques­tion was ask­ing why he start­ed with a Quak­er fig­ure so obscure even I had to look him up). It’s easy to get caught up in the bus­tle of dead­lines and to-do lists and to start to for­get why we’re doing this work as pro­fes­sion­al Quak­ers. There is a real­i­ty behind the word counts. As Friends, we are shar­ing the good news of 350+ years of spir­i­tu­al adven­tur­ing: obser­va­tions, strug­gles, and imperfect-but-genuine attempts to fol­low Inward Light of the Gospels.

My nine year old son Theo is blog­ging as a class assign­ment. I think they’ve been sup­posed to be writ­ing there for awhile but he’s real­ly only got­ten the bug in the last few weeks. It’s a full-on Word­Press site, but with cer­tain restric­tions (most notably, posts only become pub­lic after the class­room teacher has had a chance to review and vet them). It’s cer­tain iron­ic to see one of my kids blog­ging more than me!

Enough blog­ging for today. Time to put the rest of the awake kids to bed. I’m going to try to have more reg­u­lar small posts so as to get back into the blog­ging habit. In the mean­time, I’m always active on my Tum­blr site (which shows up as the side­bar to the right). It’s the buck­et for my inter­net cura­tions – videos and links I find inter­est­ing, and my own pic­tures and miscellanea.

2 thoughts on “Bits and pieces, remembering blogging

  1. Maybe you need me to come in and give you a dai­ly “why Quak­erism mat­ters” pep talk?

  2. !!! I Sarah Post This Tes­ti­mo­ny Coz Am Preg­nant Thanks To Dr.Ukaka

    with the preg­nan­cy spell Dr.Ukaka did for me, i was able to con­ceive with­in 4weeks, after he cast the preg­nan­cy spell for me he told me that i will have to sleep with my part­ner so that i can put the spell to work. after i have slept with my hus­band i became preg­nant 4week let­ter, when i went for my preg­nan­cy check up the Doc con­firm that i am a week preg­nant. with this great priv­i­lege i want to thank Dr.Ukaka and i will also rec­om­mend him to oth­ers that need help to con­ceive to con­tact him via his email address to those who seek his great help.,..

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