Impromput Hammonton area Friends worship

My F/friend Raye Hodg­son is tak­ing a train from Con­necti­cut to South Jer­sey next week for a vis­it, and locals and would-be vis­i­tors are invit­ed to my house for some wor­ship! Raye’s involved with Ohio Con­ser­v­a­tive and New Eng­land Friends and seems to be doing a cool sus­tain­able agri­cul­ture project these days (which I did­n’t know except for Google!)

It’s next Thurs­day, the 19th at 7:30pm in Ham­mon­ton. If you want to join but don’t have my address just send me an email and I’ll pro­vide details. There’s also a Face­book event list­ing for this. If enough peo­ple are inter­est­ed we can have more occa­sion­al Conservative/Convergent/Emergent Quak­er­ly wor­ship in this part of South Jer­sey! If you can’t make it but are intrigued by the idea, let me know and I’ll keep you in the loop. 

UPDATE: The wor­ship went well, about half a dozen peo­ple showed up. If you want to be alert­ed to any follow-up wor­ship oppor­tu­ni­ties in the Ham­mon­ton area send me an email and I’ll add you to my list. 

3 thoughts on “Impromput Hammonton area Friends worship

  1. Gosh — I won­der what ‘real’ wor­ship looks like, feels like. Thanks for hav­ing an out of Mtg. house Mtg. 

    1. Oh come on, Barb, cer­tain­ly we’ve both seen some real wor­ship in actu­al Quak­er meet­ing­hous­es! But Raye’s only here that night. I would like to see Friends start being Friends for more than that hour a week on Sun­day morn­ing. Some­times it’s so rote, a rit­u­al we go through. Let’s liv­en up some of the oth­er 167 hours, why don’t we?

      1. “I dont want to walk and talk about Jesus.….I just want to see his face…” Rolling Stones, Exile on Main St. If we tru­ly wor­ship, we fel­low­ship with God. If we do that, we are trans­formed, and the 167 hours would take care of themselves.

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