Memo to NYTimes: Buena ain’t your region

A nine year old in Bue­na went joyrid­ing in a bright yellow-school bus. Strange enough as that is, what’s even stranger is that the New York Times cov­ered it as a “local” story.

The only thing that sur­pris­es me about the inci­dent is that the hijack­er isn’t one of my very own next-door neigh­bor kids (for­mal­ly known as “the Delin­quents”). Sure, why not steal the bus and dri­ve to your friends house?

“He want­ed us to all get on,” said Mil­lie, 13, who lives just up the block from the boy. “He let go of the wheel, and was beep­ing and wav­ing at us. He could have killed somebody.”

No, what’s real­ly bizarre is that this arti­cle appears in the New York Times, who placed it in their “New York Region” sec­tion. Since when is Bue­na the New York region? It’s eas­i­ly a 2 – 1/2 hour dri­ve from Times Square, it’s below the Mason-Dixon line for good­ness sake (or to be tech­ni­cal­ly cor­rect, below it’s merid­i­an since the line was­n’t drawn through Jer­sey). They help­ful­ly tell us that it’s “pro­nounced BYOO-na” but I would have loved lis­ten­ing in on the phone when the reporter called down for “Bu-EN‑a” as she sure must have. Two weeks ago the Times put the Oak­lyn, NJ would-be mass mur­ders in the “New York Region” sec­tion too. Do we need to buy a cou­ple of maps for the erst­while Old Gray Lady? South Jer­sey just ain’t your region, a fact for which every native I’ve ever met is very hap­py. Every dri­ver on the roads around Bue­na were sure­ly mut­ter­ing “go home shoo­bie” when your New York plates drove by.

UPDATE: Oh no, even blog­gers are tak­ing the Times’ cue that Bue­na belongs in NYC News!

12,787 thoughts on “Memo to NYTimes: Buena ain’t your region

  1. Look, I don’t know if this belongs in NYC news, but the sto­ry was gold — gold I say! Crazy nine year-old kid, who is a pet­ty thief? Who would­n’t blog about it?

  2. Oh I agree it’s a great sto­ry and I can under­stand it’s blog­ga­bil­i­ty. But I could just set up a web­cam and get this sort of news. On one side of my house is a fam­i­ly with four kids all aver­ag­ing around nine years old, all of whom are capa­ble of the gravest mis­chief. And on the oth­er side is a woman who dri­ves a school bus and parks it in her dri­ve­way. It’s just a mat­ter of time, just a mat­ter of time… I’ll ping you guys when it goes down.
    I’ll for­give the Gothamist cat­e­go­riz­ing it as NYC news – you have to put it some­where. But the NY Times is anoth­er sto­ry. It’s just crazy what it’s con­sid­er­ing the “New York Region.” There’s a long his­to­ry of NYC and Philly treat­ing South Jer­sey as a colony and the impe­ri­ous­ness of the Times claim­ing a dinky farm town two hours from Man­hat­tan as part of its region is enough to choke up a local.

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