Podcast: What the Emergent Church and Friends could teach one another

If they’re prim­i­tive Chris­tian­i­ty revived, then what are we?

Lis­ten to Podcast

13,870 thoughts on “Podcast: What the Emergent Church and Friends could teach one another

  1. Hey Mar­tin, I did it! I lis­tened to your pod­cast. I’ve been mean­ing to for weeks now, and final­ly time and oppor­tu­ni­ty and tech­nol­o­gy all came together.
    Any­way, as you might guess, I pret­ty much agree with you. One of the things I appre­ci­ate about the emerg­ing church folks I know is that they offer alter­na­tive approach­es to being Chris­t­ian with­out being defen­sive about it. Or maybe they’re just defen­sive about dif­fer­ent things than Chris­t­ian Friends, so I don’t notice it. And the emer­gent folks are large­ly engaged in how to be fol­low­ers of Jesus here and now, not as con­cerned about how things were in the 17th cen­tu­ry as most of the Chris­t­ian Friends I know.
    I think the real chal­lenge is how can those of us still con­nect­ed to real Meet­ings (not just online groups) can live out the Quaker/Gospel mes­sages more ful­ly (Christ is come, good news for the poor, etc.) How can we preach with author­i­ty, lead by exam­ple, and gath­er that great peo­ple that’s still wait­ing out there?

  2. Hey Mar­tin,
    It’s been a lit­tle while since I was in touch, I check in on the site every once in a while though and this pod­cast real­ly piqued my interest.
    I define myself increas­ing­ly as a part of the “Christ-curious” Quak­er youth out there. I keep meet­ing peo­ple who prac­tice a rad­i­cal, ener­gized Chris­t­ian wit­ness and I am inspired by them. I think your ques­tions are right on, what would Quak­erism look like if it were formed today as a ref­or­ma­tion of itself? It feels frac­tured and dusty to me at the moment, both in evan­gel­i­cal and lib­er­al circles.
    I think there is some upswelling in Greens­boro at the moment of folks who are real­ly inter­est­ed in see­ing a change, an inter­est in revis­it­ing the zeal of ear­ly Quak­ers. I’m encour­aged by what I’m see­ing here.
    I’ll keep you post­ed, blessings,

  3. Hey Evan, great to hear from you. It seems like there’s a sort of move­ment that’s underground-in-plain sight, that pokes its head up every so often but is still most­ly brushed off by estab­lish­ment Friends (except per­haps when it comes to fund rais­ing time, hm hm hm). So how is this upswelling look­ing in Greens­boro? Are there any hang-outs online or in real life? I’m curi­ous how we dupli­cate this and make vis­i­ble this trend.
    (For those who might not make the con­nec­tion, this is this Evan).

  4. I’m hav­ing trou­ble lis­ten­ing to your pod­cast via my pod­cast receiv­er: look­ing at your feed, it does­n’t look like you have the enclo­sure stuff set up cor­rect­ly, so I can’t sub­scribe and just get the episodes down­loaded direct­ly. I’m not sure what plug-ins Mov­able Type might have to sup­port pod­cast­ing, but if you could use one, that’d be awesome.

    My pod­cast­ing expe­ri­ence is all via Word­Press, and if you need some help get­ting a Word­Press site up and run­ning where you can post your blogs, I’m more than hap­py to help out.

    1. @Robert: that was a few-week exper­i­ment with using Gab­cast as a pod­cast­ing sys­tem. I nev­er got seri­ous about it, which is why I nev­er set up a pod­cast­ing feed I’m sure I could point you some­where on the Gab­cast site where you could sign up, but it’s real­ly just this MP3 file.

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