Sightings: Quaker Schools, Isolated Friends and the Capitalist Spirit

  • Ah, Friends schools — where Protes­tants teach Jews how to be Quak­ers.  It’s a beau­ti­ful thing… I attend­ed a Quak­er school myself for a cou­ple of years, and it pret­ty well cured me of any inter­est in Quak­erism.  I per­son­al­ly don’t believe that you can improve reli­gion by throw­ing out all the art, music, and rit­u­al… The Quak­er meet­ing, which is a lot of silence bro­ken by the mus­ings of the pompous,  is a prac­tice I can do without.

    tags: quak­er quak​er​.edu​ca​tion quak​er​.com​mu​ni​ty

  • I’m still learn­ing to trust the heal­ing pow­er of my own words. Remem­ber­ing I’m loved takes reg­u­lar reminders. How often I slip back into wor­ries about whether I’m doing enough, pre­oc­cu­pied with con­cern I’ll be judged or crit­i­cized or com­pared to oth­ers. I’m grate­ful Marge has heed­ed her call to min­is­ter­ing with words and for shar­ing her own sto­ry of “being bro­ken open by God’s love.

    tags: quak­er quaker.books quaker.ministry quaker.seattle

  • I have con­tem­plat­ed OYM’s Queries and Advices reg­u­lar­ly as part of my own spir­i­tu­al prac­tice for a num­ber of years. Over time, I felt that it would be good to re-work them slight­ly to empha­size the chal­lenges that I face as an iso­lat­ed Friend and to leave aside sec­tions that don’t apply to my life as a Friend with­out a meet­ing for a spir­i­tu­al home.

    tags: quak­er quaker.seekers quaker.conservative quaker.ohioym quaker.mountain

  • When you can­not achieve grace through sacra­ments, good works or con­fes­sion, the only proof of grace is a way of life that is unmis­tak­ably dif­fer­ent from that of oth­ers. This requires a cer­tain with­draw­al from the world. It requires the indi­vid­ual to super­vise her own state of grace in her con­duct — that is, it per­me­ates the life with asceti­cism, forc­ing the “ratio­nal­iza­tion of con­duct with­in the world for the sake of the world beyond,” as Weber put it.

    tags: quak­er quaker.witness

Post­ed from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

One thought on “Sightings: Quaker Schools, Isolated Friends and the Capitalist Spirit

  1. I want to say to the mom who had it with Quak­er schools & Meet­ing how I can total­ly relate to that expe­ri­ence 30, even 50 years ago, and there is a lot about Quak­er schools today that trou­ble me. But today, art and music are part of Friends schools and many Friends Meet­ings. And prac­tice of elder­ing, which was then prac­ticed in very pompous and neg­a­tive ways, has been trans­formed to a more nur­tur­ing exer­cise. I hope that the writer has found a warm, spir­i­tu­al­ly nur­tur­ing envi­ron­ment since Quak­ers did NOt achieve that for you. God’s love, of course, is everywhere…

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