Rally to save St Mary’s Catholic Church in Malaga NJ

Rally to save St Mary's MalagaJulie and Theo took a bus into Cam­den NJ this morn­ing to attend a ral­ly in sup­port of St Mary’s. It’s one of dozens of church­es that the Dio­cese of Cam­den has slat­ed for clo­sure. St. Mary’s Father Romanows­ki was sched­uled to meet Bish­op Galante today but the Bish­op can­celed at the last minute. Chan­nel Six Action News pro­filed St Mary’s a few days ago and the video gives you a lit­tle idea why it’s a spe­cial lit­tle church.
More pic­tures of the St Mary’s ral­ly here.

2 thoughts on “Rally to save St Mary’s Catholic Church in Malaga NJ

  1. Look here for the Couri­er Post arti­cle.
    Yes, there were def­i­nite­ly more than 75 of us there! Two full busses and some came in their own cars.
    For the bish­op to not show up to a meet­ing he sched­uled with a priest is incred­i­bly rude, but a fair­ly tried strat­e­gy to try to dis­si­pate the ener­gy of the ral­liers and cool the sit­u­a­tion down. I don’t think it was any acci­dent that he did­n’t show. It’s much prefer­able for the mem­bers of the pro­posed closed church­es to just “roll over.” Well not every­body’s gonna lie down and take it when the church is closed and their holy priest tak­en from them for no good rea­son and with­out discussion.
    In any case, it looks like, from the arti­cle, that the dioce­san spokesper­son had more to say to the press than to our dear Fr. Romanows­ki. It is inter­est­ing to note that not only does St. Mary’s NOT have any debt or dif­fi­cul­ty pay­ing its bills, it has a sig­nif­i­cant bequeath­ment that more than secures St. Mary’s. I’m sure the dio­cese is aware of this. What is the moti­va­tion? There are oth­er church­es in the dio­cese who sur­vived the cuts that are far less viable than St. Mary’s. And of course, spir­i­tu­al­i­ty aside, St. Mary’s is a love­ly old church and unique in that respect, com­pared to the more mod­ern mon­strosi­ties that do God’s majesty no justice.
    Please pray and act in sup­port of St. Mary’s and Fr. Romanows­ki! We need HOLY priests and HOLY parishes!!!

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