Site redesign

As will be obvi­ous to any­one see­ing this, the Quak­er­Ran­ter has been seri­ous­ly redesigned and moved off the Non​vi​o​lence​.org serv­er. I plan to talk about the tech­ni­cal under­pin­nings soon on “” In the mean­time “email me” if there’s any hor­ri­fy­ing glitches.
h3. Update, 9/1/06:
My vis­i­tor logs picked up a very inter­est­ing new Google entry for my site that high­lights the pow­er of key­words and tags that are run­ning on this new site. More over on Mar​tinkel​ley​.com in the immod­est­ly titled post “I am the King of Folksonomy”:

12,043 thoughts on “Site redesign

  1. Wow. A bit of a shock when I just hap­pened to surf over to see if there was any­thing new. I think I’m going to like it.

  2. *Hi Robin:* Yes it _is_ a dif­fer­ent look, hmm? The bulk in the work isn’t in the off-the-shelf design tem­plate but in start­ing fresh and ditch­ing the three years of here-and-there alter­ations, then adding a whole lay­er of new ones. Hope­ful­ly I real­ly will find a moment to write some of the process down for oth­er Move­able Type users…

  3. Holy William Penn, Quak­er Blog Father — what a redesign indeed! Looks very nice, too. Now that this is done does this mean that there will be even more posts from thee? Well?

  4. I thought I’d drop a note for two reasons:
    One, to see if my com­ment gets through this time (third time’s a charm, right?).
    And two, to chime in at how great the new look is.
    …And now I can add a third thing, more of an FYI: I just scrolled up to look at the top of the page before I clicked on “Pre­view,” and then, when I scrolled back down, my infor­ma­tion (Name, Email, etc.) was GONE.
    I know bugs have to be tend­ed to… but this was just plain weird. I’m not gonna risk scrolling up again. I’ll just hit the but­ton and send this on its way and hope for the best.
    Liz Opp, The Good Raised Up

  5. *Hi Liz:* How odd, things should­n’t dis­ap­pear. I’ve made a few behind-the-scene changes. Let me know if odd­i­ties con­tin­ue. PS: Type­key is now enabled.

  6. Dear Mar­tin,
    Is that pho­to (above) the side of Still­wa­ter Meet­ing House in Bar­nesville, Ohio?
    Just wondering.
    Snare Drum Play­er For Wilbu­ritism, Albion

  7. *Hi Albion:* Wow, you’re fast, I just added that pic­ture today on a whim. Yes, it’s the Still­wa­ter meet­ing­house in Bar­nesville, tak­en the oth­er week while I was out for year­ly meet­ing ses­sions. “Here’s the larg­er ver­sion”:http://​www​.flickr​.com/​p​h​o​t​o​s​/​m​a​r​t​i​n​_​k​e​l​l​e​y​/​2​2​4​4​5​3​959.
    Hey, Wilburism needs as many drum­mers as it can get as far as I’m con­cerned (the meet­ing I attend, which I should trans­fer my mem­ber­ship to, is Philadel­phia Wilbu­rite). Hope my com­ments on your blog did­n’t come out wrong, I just want to make sure we don’t con­struct unnec­es­sary hedges between our­selves as we explore the roots of our Quakerism.

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