Soldier against the war gets mistrial

February 7, 2007

Just over the wires: “Mis­tri­al declared court-martial of war objector”: – 02-08T000024Z_01_N05474363_RTRUKOC_0_US-USA-IRAQ-OFFICER.xml&WTmodLoc=PolNewsHome_C1_%5BFeed%5D‑3. Details:
bq. A mil­i­tary judge declared a mis­tri­al on Wednes­day in the court-martial of a U.S. Army offi­cer, who pub­licly refused to fight in Iraq and crit­i­cized the war.
It’s great to see that some sol­diers are seri­ous­ly debat­ing the ethics of this war.

For every parent…

January 5, 2007

“Will It Blend?” has a solu­tion for “tod­dler messes”: I used the sug­ges­tion box to rec­om­mend Thomas the Tank Engine para­pher­na­lia. I’m sure Theo would stop refus­ing to pick up his col­lec­tion at night if I showed him _that_ video.