The Golden Rule comes to Philly

April 28, 2023

I’ve been antic­i­pat­ing this for a long time now. The Gold­en Rule was a ship that some amaz­ing and crazy activists tried sail­ing into the Pacif­ic nuclear test zones back in 1958 to protest nuclear weapons. About ten years ago a cam­paign orga­nized to fix it back up and it start­ed a tour of the east­ern U.S. last year. It’s final­ly com­ing up the Delaware Riv­er and I’m excit­ed to see it and to con­nect with all the oth­ers excit­ed to see it (I knew Gold­en Rule sailor George Willough­by back in the day and it’ll prob­a­bly be a reunion of some of my old Philly peacenik crowd cir­ca the 1990s).

There’s a Face­book page for its Philadel­phia events. I’ve copied them below. I can’t make the Had­don­field Meet­ing event, as my own Crop­well Meet­ing set up a fab­u­lous event that day before we knew the Gold­en Rule sched­ule, but I’ll try to make the Tues­day after­noon and evening ones.

Sun May 7: 10:00 am — 12:30 pm, Had­don­field Friends Meet­ing (Shore Sup­port) SIGN UP FOR THIS EVENT HERE: https://​fb​.me/​e​/​1​c​U​i​a​t​Sh5  
Learn about the resis­tance embod­ied in the actions of the Gold­en Rule, and espe­cial­ly the role of George Willough­by, a past mem­ber at Haddonfield. 

- Tues­day, May 9 
3 – 4pm The North­wind Sail­ing Schooner escorts Gold­en Rule to 
Penns land­ing. (All seats filled)
https://​north​wind​sail​.org/ meets and 
4 – 5 pm Penn’s land­ing greet­ing event with flags, bells etc. 
City Coun­cilor Mark Squil­la is expect­ed to present a Cita­tion. 
5:30 – 7 pm Cher­ry Street TBA speak­ers, video, work­shop on 

- May 10 WED
Local action 11 — 1 at Viet­nam Vet­er­ans Memo­r­i­al — Speak­ing and leaflet­ing to passers by 
SIGN UP FOR THIS EVENT HERE: https://​fb​.me/​e​/​2​z​U​h​S​Z​Kws 
1 – 3 Break free time
3 ‑6 Boat tours and sails at Pen­n’s Landing

- May 11 Thurs. 
Local action May 11 7 – 9 Swarth­more Library, 
Swarth­more Col­lege — Israa Al-Helli
and the Depart­ment of Peace and Con­flict Stud­ies will participate.

- May 12 FRI  
Local action 11 — 1 at Kore­an War Memo­r­i­al — Speak­ing and 
leaflet­ing to passers­by SIGN UP FOR THIS EVENT HERE: https://​fb​.me/​e​/​I​4​p​l​U​3io 
1 – 3 Break free time
3 ‑6 Boat tours and sails at Pen­n’s Landing

- MAY 13, SAT 1:30 – 4pm Peace walk from Lib­er­ty Bell with stop at 
Christ’s Church at 2nd and Mar­ket for brief peace obser­vance.  
Par­tic­i­pants will then pro­ceed to Pen­n’s Land­ing and meet oth­ers 
at Gold­en rule for con­cert at pier. 4 – 8 pm Gold­en rule con­cert, 
speak­ers, food fun danc­ing and the ever pop­u­lar “Wash the Flag”. 
This will be the offi­cial send off… (Gold­en Rule leaves the 
next day)

A what-if

February 10, 2019

An alter­na­tive his­to­ry star­ring John Woolman

That might have gone dif­fer­ent­ly if White­field had encoun­tered some­one like Wool­man — some­one whose imag­i­na­tion was shaped by the gospel and the Gold­en Rule rather than the brute banal­i­ty of Whitefield’s actu­al, real-world scheme. 

An alter­nate his­to­ry and an alter­nate future

Banishing the demons of war plank by rotten plank

June 23, 2015

In Nation­al Geo­graph­ic, Jane Brax­ton Lit­tle writes about the restora­tion of one of the most sto­ried protest boats of the twen­ti­eth century:

The Gold­en Rule project is an improb­a­ble accom­plish­ment by unlike­ly vol­un­teers. Mem­bers of Vet­er­ans For Peace, they are a mot­ley bunch that might have appalled the orig­i­nal crew, all con­sci­en­tious Quak­ers. They smoke, drink and swear like the sailors, though most of them are not. Aging and per­pet­u­al­ly strapped for mon­ey, the most­ly retired men sought to ban­ish their war-related demons as they ripped out rot­ten wood and replaced it plank by pur­ple­heart plank.

Friends Jour­nal ran an arti­cle by Jane, Restor­ing the Gold­en Rule,  back in 2011 when the VFP vol­un­teers first con­tem­plat­ed restora­tion, and a longer fol­lowup by Arnold (Skip) Oliv­er in 2013, The Gold­en Rule Shall Sail Again. Of course, the cool thing about work­ing at a estab­lished mag­a­zine is that it was easy for me to dip into the archives and find and com­pile our 1958 cov­er­age of the ship’s famous first voy­age.

You ca fol­low more about the restora­tion work on the VFP Gold­en Rule web­site or check out pic­tures from the re-launch on their Face­book page.
