Nostra Maxima Culpa

February 5, 2013

Nos­tra Max­i­ma Cul­pa:

Andrew Sul­li­van, andrew​sul​li​van​.com

[Re-posted from ear­li­er today.]Alex Gibney’s new doc­u­men­tary on the child-rape epi­dem­ic in the Catholic Church that raged for decades (and maybe cen­turies), Mea Max­i­ma Cul­pa, debuted tonight on HBO. I’ve watched it twice. It is both an…

Andrew Sul­li­van on the priest abuse cover-up:
“Jesus must always be with the vic­tims. He is the vic­tim. When a priest rapes a child, Jesus is raped. When an arch­bish­op cov­ers up the crime, Jesus is raped.”