What might it mean that one of the best-selling new novels revolves around a Quaker…

January 12, 2012

What might it mean that one of the best-selling new nov­els revolves around a Quak­er plot line? Yes indeed, “The Mar­riage Plot” by “Vir­gin Sui­cides” author Jef­frey Eugenides appar­ent­ly does. I’ve ordered it and will try to write up impres­sions too, Accord­ing to this piece in Com­men­tary, anoth­er cur­rent book has a Quak­er theme. Curi­ous. #eugenides

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Jef­frey Eugenides « Com­men­tary Magazine
I am writ­ing about Jef­frey Eugenides’s mag­i­cal nov­el The Mar­riage Plot at greater length else­where, but a remark­able coin­ci­dence — an instant of serendip­i­ty in lit­er­ary his­to­ry — struck me upon re…