Walt Whitman: A prophet found under your boot-soles

June 3, 2019

A brief look at some of the Quak­er influ­ences on Walt Whit­man’s spirituality:

Whit­man absorbed deist prin­ci­ples from his father; he was equal­ly influ­enced by his mother’s Quak­er back­ground. He embraced the Quak­er empha­sis on indi­vid­ual expe­ri­ence of the divine — what Friends call the “inner light” — as well as the con­cept of “that of God” exist­ing with­in every per­son. Whitman’s poet­ry reflects Quak­ers’ rad­i­cal­ly egal­i­tar­i­an theology 


Quaker news editor needed

January 3, 2017

Here at Friends Jour­nal, we’re very lucky to have some very com­mit­ted vol­un­teers. Karie Firooz­mand and Eileen Red­den sends books out to dozens of vol­un­teer read­ers and pull the results togeth­er into our month­ly books col­umn. Rose­mary Zim­mer­man reads through all the poet­ry that comes in, care­ful­ly select­ing pieces to appear in the mag­a­zine. Mary Julia Street reworks the birth notices and obit­u­ar­ies that come in to include more inter­est­ing details than you get in most news­pa­per listings.

Last year we won the “Best in Class” award from the Asso­ci­at­ed Church Press. We’re proud, of course, but I was pleas­ant­ly. Com­pared to most denom­i­na­tion­al mag­a­zines, Friends Jour­nal is crazi­ly under­staffed. For­give the pugilis­tic metaphor, but these vol­un­teer edi­tors are a big rea­son we punch above our weight. Cut­ting through cul­tur­al sta­t­ic and the man­u­fac­tured busy­ness of mod­ern life and reach seek­ers is a never-ending chal­lenge. Think about whether you might be led to work with us on this

The extend­ed dead­line is Jan­u­ary 16th. MLK Day. Learn more at: