Images from Ohio Yearly Meeting Conservative

August 18, 2007

Here are a few pho­tos from our trip to Bar­nesville Ohio for “year­ly meet­ing sessions”: The pan­el talk on “Con­ver­gent Friends”: with C Wess Daniels and Ohio’s David Male seemed to be well received. In some ways I thought it was sil­ly for _us_ to trav­el so far to tell _them_ about con­ver­gence, as OYM© Friends have been doing impor­tant out­reach and renew­al work for years, sup­port­ing iso­lat­ed Friends with the bi-annual Con­ser­v­a­tive Gath­er­ings and though their “affil­i­ate member”: pro­gram. One place to learn more about cur­rent out­reach efforts is “”:
Road trip stretch Post-lunch talk planning Photo of photo Kids hang out
Baby on the run