White House smear campaign: Gay and Canadian

July 18, 2003

This would be fun­ny if it weren’t seri­ous. This would be seri­ous if it weren’t pathet­ic. A few days ago ABC News cor­re­spon­dent Jef­frey Kof­man ran a sto­ry about low morale among U.S. troops sta­tioned in Iraq. The next day some­one in the White House tipped off gos­sip king Matt Drudge that Kof­man was open­ly gay and (maybe worse) a Cana­di­an. Lap­dog Drudge com­plied with the head­line “ABC NEWS REPORTER WHO FILED TROOP COMPLAINT STORY IS CANADIAN.” It’s amaz­ing what tid­bits the White House thinks are news­wor­thy. You’d think the mile­stone that U.S. casul­ties in Iraq have sur­passed those of the 1991 War might just get the Pres­i­den­t’s attention.