“I’m a child of God. He gave me these beautiful hands and gave me this big heart…”

On Quak­er­S­peak, a real­ly sweet and inspir­ing video from Avis Wan­da McClin­ton. It cen­ters on a Friends Vic­to­ry Gar­den start­ed as a response to the lives tak­en by COVID-19 (dis­pro­por­tion­al­ly lives of col­or here in the U.S.) but nat­u­ral­ly flows to fam­i­ly his­to­ry and redlin­ing and then to how she talks with God while tend­ing the plants.

When you’re farm­ing, it’s a soli­tary thing. Down on my knees, prepar­ing the beds for the plants, I just talked to God as I worked the earth, told him my fears and my wor­ries and what I hope for the future. 

There’s a whole lot of wis­dom here and video is a great medi­um for her storytelling.