Back to Fox

Johan Mau­r­er is revis­it­ing Fox’s Jour­nal as he copy­ed­its a Russ­ian translation

This task of edit­ing the Russ­ian trans­la­tion has brought me face to face once again with this unapolo­get­i­cal­ly bold wit­ness and his raw tes­ti­mo­ny. What am I to do with him? How is he a mod­el or mea­sure for the Friends move­ment today? Do we have among us — do we endure among us — those who might make such bold claims … to be empow­ered with God’s mes­sage to the same degree as the orig­i­nal writ­ers of Scrip­ture?… to be per­fect­ly redeemed from temp­ta­tion? … to lead peo­ple into the same place where he was, so that they could have the same access to God’s spir­it that he claimed to have? 

Posted January 28th, 2022 , in Quaker.