Online Bible series

My Friend Peter Blood wrote me that he’s host­ing a new online Bible series on the first Sun­day after­noon of each month this fall. There’s a dif­fer­ent guest leader every month. It’s cospon­sored by Wool­man Hill and Bea­con Hill. and will take place 4pm East­ern Time.

There’s a dif­fer­ent leader each month. Upcom­ing peo­ple include:
* Carl Magrud­er (Pacif­ic YM) on Oct 4
* Adria Gulizia (New York YM) on Nov 1
* Col­in Sax­ton (North Val­ley Friends Church, New­berg OR) on Dec. 6.

This is a great line­up. Infor­ma­tion on reg­is­tra­tion can be found on the Bea­con Hill website

Posted September 28th, 2020 , in Quaker.