Unlocking the commons

January 4, 2019

I real­ly like Tim Car­mody and Kot​tke​.org is one of my favorite blogs. This isn’t Quak­er but it feels real­ly rel­e­vant for those of us try­ing to save inde­pen­dent pub­lish­ing from being sub­sumed by the Face­book Borg and so main­tain coun­ter­cul­tur­al, non-corporate spaces like Quak­er communities.

This is a pre­dic­tion for 2019 and beyond: The most pow­er­ful and inter­est­ing media mod­el will remain rais­ing mon­ey from mem­bers who don’t just per­mit but insist that the prod­uct be giv­en away for free. The val­ue comes not just what they’re buy­ing, but who they’re buy­ing it from and who gets to enjoy it. 

Unlock­ing the commons