Quakers in Politics Live Web Panel (March 22 2018)

March 9, 2018

Back last August, Greg Woods noticed that there were some Quak­ers run­ning for U.S. Con­gres­sion­al seats. While modern-day Quak­er politi­cians are not unheard of, they’re also not par­tic­u­lar­ly com­mon and it seemed like there was a bumper crop. The idea to inter­view them took on a momen­tum, even as we start­ed to learn about more can­di­dates. It’s grown into a Quak­ers in Pol­i­tics Live Web Pan­el set to take place on Thurs­day, March 22nd at 3pm EDT. There’s six con­firmed Quak­er can­di­dates and the event is co-sponsored by the Earl­ham School of Reli­gion and Friends Jour­nal. The mod­er­a­tor will be Earl­ham Col­lege Pres­i­dent Alan Price.

The upcom­ing U.S. Con­gres­sion­al mid-term elec­tions already have at least sev­en Quak­er can­di­dates for office. How does their Quak­er faith inform these can­di­dates’ desires to run for Con­gress? What advice would they have for oth­er Quak­ers want­i­ng to run for office in the future?

It’s a pret­ty inter­est­ing bunch and I’m look­ing for­ward to lots of good ques­tions about the inter­sec­tion of faith and pol­i­tics in 2018.