Foxy George

May 11, 2018

Read­er Carl Abbott of Mult­nom­ah Meet­ing in Por­tand, Ore­gon, wrote in with a bit more con­text about the local pub­lic school that’s shed­ding it’s Quak­er mas­cot:

The Franklin High mas­cot  issue was very low pro­file here in Port­land, basi­cal­ly raised and advo­cat­ed by one per­son. Indi­vid­u­als in our meet­ing signed her peti­tion, but the ques­tion did not rise to for­mal con­sid­er­a­tion ( I think also the case with oth­er area meet­ings and church­es). The ques­tion of Native Amer­i­can names used by schools around Ore­gon HAS been a sub­stan­tial and dif­fi­cult pub­lic issue, and I sus­pect that the Port­land School Board was look­ing to avoid a quag­mire. I’m sup­port­ive of the change, although it seemed to me that there have been much more impor­tant things to wor­ry about.

Mean­while, for your enter­tain­ment I dug out this old press release from George Fox Uni­ver­si­ty (whose date I can’t read). I do agree that Bru­in is bet­ter than Foxy George.

Mas­cot press release.pdf

It looks to me like the hand­writ­ing reads Fall 70 to me. Am I going to be the only one to think that Foxy George is pret­ty cre­ative in a charm­ing­ly obvi­ous way?