
January 30, 2024

A big thank-you to all the Quak­er Ranter fans who donat­ed last week to get the web­sites back up. Two non­prof­it jobs and four kids mean web bills are not always near the top of the fam­i­ly’s must-pay jug­gle of expens­es. The web­sites should be good for anoth­er few months. If any­one missed on on the fund appeal, you can always click on the sup­port link to help keep the lights on.

Traddy Quakers?

October 4, 2023

Relat­ed to last week’s dis­cus­sion of a lack of what one ex-Friend calls “punk-rock Quak­erism,” there’s always been a small sub­set of younger Lib­er­al Friends who have want­ed to go deep­er into Quak­er faith and prac­tice. Some joined Friends just for this, hav­ing devoured the Jour­nal of George Fox or Pen­n’s No Cross No Crown or Kel­ly’s Tes­ta­ment of Devo­tion before ever step­ping into a meet­ing­house, while oth­ers have slow­ly evolved as they learned more about Friends. Some­times they go plain for a spell; most of the time they even­tu­al­ly leave.

In her Sep­tem­ber Friends Jour­nal arti­cle, Young Friends Want What Ear­ly Quak­ers Had, Olivia Chalk­ley talks about the young Catholic tra­di­tion­al­ist scene (aka “the tradddies”):

As a Twit­ter user, I have a front row seat to the bizarre wave of tra­di­tion­al­ist Catholi­cism that’s sweep­ing New York’s Dimes Square arts scene and gar­ner­ing media atten­tion. In my own life, I have numer­ous friends and acquain­tances who were raised with lit­tle to no reli­gion and are now start­ing Bible study groups, attend­ing church reg­u­lar­ly, and even tak­ing cat­e­chism classes.

What would this look like for Friends? Olivia says it would have pro­gres­sive val­ues (her 2020 Quak­er­S­peak inter­view is A Quak­er Take on Lib­er­a­tion The­ol­o­gy). How could we do out­reach to young adults who might want a more seri­ous and nerdy Quak­erism with­out alien­at­ing spiritual-but-not-religious seek­ers look­ing for a spiritually-neutral hour of silence? (See Pare­to Curve out­reach.) Also the big ques­tion: is this just a fever dream for a few of us stuck in a bub­ble? Is there real­ly an oppor­tu­ni­ty for some­thing wide­spread enough to call a move­ment? Youth-led Quak­er move­ments have hap­pened before: New Swarth­moor, Young Friends North Amer­i­ca, and Move­ment for a New Soci­ety all cre­at­ed hip sub­cul­tures (albeit with­out overt spir­i­tu­al­i­ty in the lat­ter’s case). On a small­er, decid­ed­ly less-hip fash­ion, net­works like New Foun­da­tion Fel­low­ship, Quak­er­Spring, Ohio YM’s out­reach efforts, and School of the Spir­it all con­tin­ue to pro­vide oppor­tu­ni­ties for nerdy Friends want­i­ng to go deep into Quak­er spirituality.

I’m a bit skep­ti­cal, to be hon­est, but some things in the wider spir­i­tu­al cul­ture have been chang­ing the calculus: 

  • As Olivia points out, Gen­er­a­tion Z is more unchurched than any in recent mem­o­ry; some of its mem­bers are look­ing for some­thing more sub­stan­tial and directive;
  • The inter­net con­tin­ues to make non-mainstream move­ments ever eas­i­er to find and com­mu­ni­ties eas­i­er to organize; 
  • Online wor­ship has made it eas­i­er for seek­ers to “shop around” for a non-local spir­i­tu­al com­mu­ni­ty that might bet­ter “speak to their con­di­tion,” to use the Quak­er lingo.

These cul­tur­al changes aren’t lim­it­ed to youth, of course. A reg­u­lar Quak­er Ranter read­er emailed me a few weeks ago to say that she’s start­ed attend­ing online wor­ship hun­dreds of miles away after her long­time meet­ing “become less and less a wor­ship­ing com­mu­ni­ty and more and more a  col­lec­tion of nice indi­vid­u­als.” The at-a-distance meet­ing “it is the spir­i­tu­al home I had stopped look­ing for!” I’m kind of curi­ous where these cur­rents are going to be tak­ing Friends of all generations.

Olivia and I talk about much of this in the lat­est FJ Author Chat.

What would you like to see in Friends Journal?

February 22, 2023

Every eigh­teen months or so Friends Jour­nal start brain­storm­ing new themes and boil them down into a list. We’re now plot­ting out themes for the spring of 2024 and beyond. Part of this process is ask­ing read­ers what they’d like to see us cov­er and if you fol­low FJ on Face­bookTwit­ter, or Mastodon, you’ve prob­a­bly seen us ask­ing there. But I would also like to hear from Quak­er Ranter readers:

What top­ics would YOU like to see Friends Jour­nal address­ing in the future?

We’ve been run­ning themed issues for over a decade now. Check out the list of themes since 2012 or look through the archives to rem­i­nis­cence about past issues. There’s a good chance we’ve already cov­ered the sub­ject you’re inter­est­ed in, but it might be a good time for us to take a new look or a fresh spin. Leave a com­ment here or email me at with any ideas you have.

25 years

December 14, 2022

How did I miss that last month was the 25th anniver­sary of my first blog­ging effort? Non­vi­o­lence Web Upfront had a half-dozen posts a week and was tied to an email newslet­ter that went out every Fri­day (that’s pret­ty much the same for­mat as Quak­er Ranter in 2022!). This was before Dreamweaver, Blog­ger, Mov­able Type, Word­Press, etc. The word weblog was a few weeks from being coined. 

I put this all togeth­er using an absolute­ly ridicu­lous Microsoft Word macro that I had adapt­ed. I’d write a post in Word then hit a but­ton. A long string of search and replaces would start to run. For exam­ple, one search would look for bold­est text and put “<b>” and “</b>” around it. After half a minute or so it’d spit out an HTML file to my desk­top. I’d open an FTP pro­gram and upload the file to the serv­er. If I had an edit to make I’d have to go through the macro all over again. I was teach­ing myself HTML as I went along and it’s amaz­ing any of it dis­played properly. 

Still, it’s remark­able that while so much of back end has changed and changed again over the decades, the final for­mat is instant­ly rec­og­niz­able as a blog. The Quak­er Ranter archives now list over 1,300 articles.

The QuakerRanter Top-Five

December 28, 2013

Outreach, Family, Pacifism, and Blog Culture

At year’s end it’s always inter­est­ing to look back and see which arti­cles got the most vis­its. Here are the top-five Quak​er​Ran​ter​.org blog posts of 2013.

1. Outreach gets people to your meetinghouse / Hospitality keeps people returning

This grew out of a inter­est­ing lit­tle tweet about search engine opti­miza­tion that got me think­ing about how Friends Meet­ings can retain the curi­ous one-time visitors.

2. Tom Heiland

My father-in-law died in Jan­u­ary. These are few pic­tures I put togeth­er while Julie was still at the fam­i­ly home with the close rel­a­tives. Thanks to our friends for shar­ing a bit of our life by read­ing this one. He’s missed.

3. Expanding Concepts of Pacifism

A look at Friends tes­ti­monies and the dif­fi­cul­ties of being a fair-trade paci­fist in our hyper-connected world today. I think George Fox and the ear­ly Friends were faced with sim­i­lar chal­lenges and that our guide can be the same as theirs.

4. Rethinking Blogs

A num­ber of new ser­vices are try­ing to update the cul­ture of blog­ging. This post looked at com­ments; a sub­se­quent one con­sid­ered how we might reor­ga­nize our blogs into more of a struc­tured Wiki.

5. Iraq Ten Years Later: Some of Us Weren’t Wrong

This year saw a lot of hang wring­ing by main­stream jour­nal­ists on the anniver­sary of the Iraq War. I didn’t have much patience and looked at how dis­sent­ing voic­es were reg­u­lar­ly locked out of debate ten years ago – and are still locked out with the talk that “all of us” were wrong then.

I should give the caveat that these are the top-five most-read arti­cles that were writ­ten this year. Many of the clas­sics still out­per­form these. The most read con­tin­ues to be my post on unpop­u­lar baby names (just today I over­heard an expec­tant moth­er approv­ing­ly going through a list of over-trendy names; I won­dered if I should send her the link). My post on how to order men’s plain cloth­ing from Gohn’s Broth­ers con­tin­ues to be pop­u­lar, as does a report about a trip to a leg­endary water hole deep in the South Jer­sey pines.

Wikifying Our Blogging

October 14, 2013

Con­tin­u­ing my recent post in reimag­in­ing blogs, I’m going to go into some con­tex­tu­al details lift­ed from the Quak­er pub­li­ca­tions with which I’m either direct­ly asso­ci­at­ed or that have some claim to my identity.

My blog at Quak­er Ranter dates back to the proto-blog I began in 1997 as an new home­page for my two year old “Non­vi­o­lence Web” project. The new fea­ture was updat­ed week­ly with excerpt­ed mate­r­i­al from mem­ber projects on Non​vi​o​lence​.org and relat­ed orga­ni­za­tions that already had inde­pen­dent web­sites. We didn’t have RSS or Twit­ter then but I would man­u­al­ly send out emails to a list; we didn’t have com­ments but I would pub­lish inter­est­ing respons­es that came by email. The work was relaunched with blog­ging soft­ware in 2003 and the voice became more indi­vid­ual and my focus became more Quak­er and tech.

The arti­cles then were like they are now: reverse­ly chrono­log­i­cal, with cat­e­gories, tag­ging, and site search­ing that allow old­er mate­r­i­al to be accessed. The most impor­tant source of archive vis­i­bil­i­ty is exter­nal: Google. Peo­ple can eas­i­ly find mate­r­i­al that is direct­ly rel­e­vant to a ques­tion they’re address­ing right now. In many instances, they’ll nev­er even click through to the site home­page, much less cat­e­gories, tags, etc. As I said in my last post, these first-time vis­i­tors are often try­ing to under­stand some­thing new; the great major­i­ty bounce off the page and fol­low anoth­er search result on a mat­ter of a few sec­onds, but some small but impor­tant per­cent­age will be ripe for new ideas and con­nec­tions and might be will­ing to try new associations.

But it’s ran­dom. I’m a bit of a nerd in my cho­sen inter­ests and have been blog­ging long enough that I gen­er­al­ly have at least a few inter­est­ing posts on any par­tic­u­lar sub-topic. Most of these have been inspired by col­leagues, friends, my wife, and ran­dom con­ver­sa­tions I’ve found myself in.

Some of the most mean­ing­ful blog posts – those with legs – have involved me inte­grat­ing some new thinker or idea into my world­view. The process will have start­ed months or some­times years before when anoth­er spir­i­tu­al nerd rec­om­mend­ed a book or arti­cle. In the faith world there’s always books that are obscure to new­com­ers but essen­tial for those try­ing to go deep­er into their faith. You’ll be in a deep con­ver­sa­tions with some­one and they’ll ask (often with a twin­kle in their eye) “have you read so-and-so?” (This cul­ture if shar­ing is espe­cial­ly impor­tant for Friends, who tra­di­tion­al­ly have no cler­gy or seminaries).

A major role of my blog has been to bring these sorts of con­ver­sa­tions into a pub­lic realm – one that can be Googled and fol­lowed. The inter­net has helped us scale-up this process and make it more avail­able to those who can’t con­stant­ly travel.

When I have real-world con­ver­sa­tions now, I often have recourse to cite some old blog post. I’m shar­ing the “have you read” con­ver­sa­tion in a way that can be eaves­dropped by hundreds.

But how are peo­ple who stum­ble in my site for the first time going to find this?

The issue isn’t just lim­it­ed to an obscure faith blog. Yes­ter­day I learned about a cool (to me) blog writ­ten by a dad who research­es and trav­els to neat nature spots in the area with his kids and writes up a post about what-to-see and kid-issues-to-be-aware-of. But when it’s a nice Sat­ur­day after­noon and I find myself in a cer­tain locale, how can I know if he’s been any­where near­by unless I go through all the archives or hope the search works or hope his blog’s cat­e­go­riza­tion tax­on­o­my is complete?

What I’m think­ing is that we could try to cre­ate meta index­es to our blogs in a wiki mod­el. Have a whole col­lec­tion of intro­duc­to­ry pages where we list and sum­ma­rize rel­e­vant arti­cles with links.

In the hey­day of SEO, I used to tag the heck out if posts and have the pages act as a sort of auto­mat­ed ver­sion of this, but again, this it was chrono­log­i­cal. And it was work. Even remem­ber­ing to tag is work. I would spend a cou­ple of days ignor­ing clients to metatag each page on the site, only to redo the work a few months lat­er with even more meta­da­ta com­plex­i­ty. Writ­ing a whole shad­ow meta blog index­ing the blog would be a major (and unend­ing task). It wouldn’t gar­ner the rush of imme­di­ate Face­book likes. But it would be supreme­ly use­ful for some­one want­i­ng to explore an issue of par­tic­u­lar inter­est to them at that moment.

And one more Quak­er aside that I think will nev­er­the­less be of inter­est to the more techie read­ers. I’ve described Quak­erism as a wiki spir­i­tu­al­i­ty. Exhib­it one is the reli­gious move­men­t’s ini­tial lack of creeds or writ­ten instruc­tion. Even our paci­fism, for which we’re most well known, was an uncod­i­fied tes­ti­mo­ny in the ear­li­est years.

As Friends gained more expe­ri­ence liv­ing in com­mu­ni­ty, they would pub­lish advices – short snip­pets of wis­dom that were collectively-approved using con­sen­sus deci­sion mak­ing. They were based on expe­ri­ence. For exam­ple, they might find that mem­bers who abused alco­hol, say, or repeat­ed­ly test­ed the dress code might cause oth­er sorts of prob­lems for the com­mu­ni­ty and they’d minute a warn­ing against these practices.

These advices were writ­ten over time; as more were approved it became bur­den­some to find rel­e­vant advices when some issue start­ed tear­ing up a con­gre­ga­tion. So they were col­lect­ed into books – unof­fi­cial at first, lit­er­al­ly hand-copied from per­son to per­son. These even­tu­al­ly became offi­cial – pub­lished “books of dis­ci­plines,” col­lec­tions of the col­lec­tive wis­dom orga­nized by top­ic. Their pur­pose and scope (and even their name) has changed over the ensu­ing cen­turies but their impulse and ear­ly orga­ni­za­tion is one that I find use­ful when think­ing about how we could rethink the cat­e­go­riza­tion issues of our twen­ty first cen­tu­ry blogs and com­ment­ing systems.

Gregory Gets Baptized

February 2, 2011

Depend­ing on your the­o­log­i­cal ten­den­cies, Gre­go­ry was bap­tized or sprin­kled this past week­end. It was a very mov­ing cer­e­mo­ny, though an emer­gency trip to the pot­ty for the 4yo meant I missed the best part. Appar­ent­ly the priest raised him over the altar and made the sign of cross with him. This is at St Nicholas’ Ukrain­ian Catholic Church in Mil­lville NJ. We all went across the street to a Pol­ka dance after­wards and then had some cake and snacks at the lib­er­at­ed St Mary’s in Malaga.

Godparents holding the baby


And for new read­ers, I long ago explained why the Quak­er Ranter’s kid was get­ting bap­tized. Sor­ry for the weird for­mat­ting, I haven’t cleaned up all the back articles.

Two Years of the Quaker Ranter and Quaker Blogs

October 10, 2005

An amaz­ing thing has hap­pened in the last two years: we’ve got Friends from the cor­ners of Quak­erism shar­ing our sim­i­lar­i­ties and dif­fer­ences, our frus­tra­tions and dreams through Quak­er blogs. Dis­en­chant­ed Friends who have longed for deep­er con­ver­sa­tion and con­so­la­tion when things are hard at their local meet­ing have built a net­work of Friends who under­stand. When our gen­er­a­tion is set­tling down to write our mem­oirs — our Quak­er jour­nals — a lot of us will have to have at least one chap­ter about becom­ing involved in the Quak­er blog­ging community.

My per­son­al site before and after it became “Quak­er Ranter.”

When I signed off on my last post, I promised I would con­tin­ue with some­thing on “blogs, min­istry and lib­er­al Quak­er out­reach.” Here’s the first of the follow-ups.

As I set­tle in to my sec­ond week at my new (and newly-defined) jobs at FGC, I won­der if I be here with­out help of the Quak­er Ranter? I start­ed this blog two sum­mers ago. It was a time when I felt like I might be head­ed toward mem­ber­ship in the lost Quak­er gen­er­a­tion that was the focus of one of my ear­li­est posts. There were a lot of dead-ends in my life. A cou­ple of appli­ca­tions for more seri­ous, respon­si­ble employ­ment with Friends had recent­ly gone nowhere. Life at my month­ly meet­ing was odd (we’ll keep it at that). I felt I was com­ing into a deep­er expe­ri­en­tial knowl­edge of my Quak­erism and per­haps inch­ing toward more overt min­istry but there was no out­let, no sense of how this inward trans­for­ma­tion might fit into any sort of out­ward social form or forum.

Every­where I looked I saw Friends short­com­ing them­selves and our reli­gious soci­ety with a don’t-rock-the-boat timid­i­ty that was­n’t serv­ing God’s pur­pose for us. I saw pre­cious lit­tle prophet­ic min­istry. I knew of few Friends who were ask­ing chal­leng­ing ques­tions about our wor­ship life. Our lan­guage about God was becom­ing ever more cod­ed and ster­il­ized. Most of the twenty-somethings I knew gen­er­al­ly approached Quak­erism pri­mar­i­ly as a series of cul­tur­al norms with only dif­fer­ent stan­dards from one year­ly meet­ing to anoth­er (and one Quak­er branch to anoth­er, I suspect) .
With all this as back­drop, I start­ed the Quak­er Ranter with a nothing-left-to-lose men­tal­i­ty. I was ner­vous about push­ing bound­aries and about broach­ing things pub­licly that most Friends only say in hushed tones of two or three on meet­ing­house steps. I was also dou­bly ner­vous about being a Quak­er employ­ee talk­ing about this stuff (liveli­hood and all that!). The few Quak­er blogs that were out there were gen­er­al­ly blogs by Quak­ers but about any­thing but Quak­erism, pol­i­tics being the most com­mon topic.

Now sure, a lot of this has­n’t changed over these few years. But one thing has: we now have a vibrant com­mu­ni­ty of Quak­er blog­gers. We’ve got folks from the cor­ners of Quak­erism get­ting to know one anoth­er and hash out not just our sim­i­lar­i­ties and dif­fer­ences, but our frus­tra­tions and dreams. It’s so cool. There’s some­thing hap­pen­ing in all this! Dis­en­chant­ed Friends who have longed for deep­er con­ver­sa­tion and con­so­la­tion when things are hard at their local meet­ing are find­ing Friends who understand.

Through the blog and the com­mu­ni­ty that formed around it I’ve found a voice. I’m evolv­ing, cer­tain­ly, through read­ing, life, blog con­ver­sa­tions and most impor­tant­ly (I hope!) the act­ing of the Holy Spir­it on my ever-resistant ego. But because of my blog I’m some­one who now feels com­fort­able talk­ing about what it means to be a Quak­er in a pub­lic set­ting. It almost seems quaint to think back to the ear­ly blog con­ver­sa­tions about whether we can call this a kind of min­istry. When we’re all set­tling down to write our mem­oirs — our Quak­er jour­nals — a lot of us will have to have at least one chap­ter about becom­ing involved in the Quak­er blog­ging com­mu­ni­ty. In Howard Brin­ton’s Quak­er Jour­nals he enu­mer­at­ed the steps toward growth in the min­istry that most of the writ­ers seemed to go through; I sus­pect the jour­nals of our gen­er­a­tion will add self-published elec­tron­ic media to it’s list of clas­sic steps.

When I start­ed Quak­er Ranter I did have to won­der if this might be a quick­est way to get fired. Not to cast asper­sions on the powers-that-be at FGC but the web is full of cau­tion­ary tales of peo­ple being canned because of too-public blogs. My only con­so­la­tion was the sense that no one that mat­tered real­ly read the thing. But as it became more promi­nent a curi­ous phe­nom­e­non hap­pened: even Quak­er staff and uber-insiders seemed to be relat­ing to this con­ver­sa­tion and want­ed a place to com­plain and dream about Quak­erism. My per­son­al rep­u­ta­tion has cer­tain­ly gone up because of this site, direct­ly and indi­rect­ly because of the blog. This brings with it the snares of pop­u­lar praise (itself a well-worn theme in Quak­er jour­nals) but it also made it more like­ly I would be con­sid­ered for my new out­reach job. It’s fun­ny how life works.
Okay, that’s enough for a post. I’ll have to keep out­reach till next time. But bear with me: it’s about form too and how form con­tributes to ministry.

PS: Talk­ing of two years of Quak­er blog­ging… My “Non​vi​o​lence​.org turns ten years old this Thurs­day!! I thought about mak­ing a big deal about it but alas there’s so lit­tle time.