Poking pigs?

February 6, 2019

Bucks Coun­ty, Pa., Friend Nor­val Reece has a piece on fake and real news, with a great line from his mother:

Polls and ana­lysts con­firm a grow­ing trend for peo­ple to tune in almost exclu­sive­ly to those news sources which rein­force their own opin­ions and con­demn the oth­ers — regard­less of qual­i­ty, the use of facts, opin­ion, bias, and mis­in­for­ma­tion. Experts call this “source bias.” My straight-talking Quak­er moth­er referred to it as “peo­ple try­ing to sell you a pig in a poke” — peo­ple try­ing to con­vince you of a point of view by giv­ing you lim­it­ed or false infor­ma­tion, try­ing to sell you a pig in a bag when you can’t see it or exam­ine it. Com­mu­nist coun­tries and dic­ta­tor­ships are mas­ters at this. 


Help keep the work going!

January 8, 2019

If you spend much time online you’ll know that there’s a lot of noise and bad infor­ma­tion on the Inter­net. This is true with Quak­er mate­r­i­al too. Every day I’m scan­ning the cor­ners of the net to find the blog posts, Red­dit threads, Quak­er mag­a­zines and main­stream cov­er­age of Friends and bring­ing it on Quak­erQuak­er and my Quak­er­Ran­ter Dai­ly Email.

Var­i­ous Jan­u­ary serv­er bills are com­ing due in the next week and the Pay­pal account is emp­ty. Between domain reg­is­tra­tions, serv­er bills, and the Ning ser­vice the site can often rack up over $50 in a giv­en month.

Please con­sid­er a one-time dona­tion at http://​pay​pal​.me/​m​a​r​t​i​n​k​e​l​ley or use the Quak­erQuak­er dona­tion page to set up a month­ly donation.

Hey y’all, let’s start a blog!

January 2, 2019

Okay, it’s not specif­i­cal­ly Quak­er – it’s not actu­al­ly at all Quak­er – but I like the think­ing behind Why You Should Start a Blog in 2019 by Ernie Smith in Tedi­um. Long-time read­ers will know I usu­al­ly have at least a post a year in which I blog about blog­ging. This time I’ll let Ernie talk about the ratio­nales and needs for a blog­ging culture:

We could use a lit­tle momen­tum. A decade ago, as I was get­ting start­ed with this, plat­forms like Face­book took advan­tage of our desire for a sim­pler option and used it to silo up our data, lock and key. We lost an excit­ing blo­gos­phere in the midst of all of this — and the first step towards get­ting it back is by real­iz­ing that own­er­ship should be a first class cit­i­zen, whether or not we even­tu­al­ly give away those words, sell them, or keep them close to our chest. A blog that you own, that you pay the host­ing bill for? That’s the first step — a form of expres­sion that should be the future (because after all, how awe­some is it that any­one can own a print­ing press?!?) but some­how became the past.

I haven’t been updat­ing this Quak­er Dai­ly Read as much as I’d like over the last month or so. That’s part­ly the result of an ear­ly Decem­ber vaca­tion and then the chaos of late Decem­ber hol­i­days with the fam­i­ly. I’m sure I’ve missed some great posts that I should have shared but there’s also days when I run through my RSS col­lec­tion (I use Feed­ly to fol­low about a hun­dred or so blogs) and find noth­ing par­tic­u­lar­ly fresh or inter­est­ing. I’d love to see more of us trad­ing the Face­book dopamine-rush imme­di­a­cy for some more thought­ful writ­ing and conversation.


What is the Quaker community we’d like to see?

October 23, 2018

On the Quak­erQuak­er forums, Kir­by Urn­er sets out a vision for a future Quak­er community:

My spec­u­la­tions, there­fore, cen­ter around around what a Quak­er Vil­lage might look like, under­stand­ing “vil­lage” to mean “small com­mu­ni­ty” (hun­dreds or thou­sands, but not mil­lions). How do these peo­ple live? How do they put their Chris­t­ian val­ues into practice?

Let’s say it’s a hun­dred years from now, when all of us are safe­ly dead. Or maybe we’d like to accel­er­ate the timeline?

For me, a hall­mark of Quak­erism is its egal­i­tar­i­an­ism and com­mit­ment to rotat­ing roles. That’s not a fea­ture of every branch I real­ize, and those who decry “out­ward forms” may con­sid­er Over­sight, Prop­er­ty Man­age­ment, Chil­dren’s Pro­gram etc., to be the oppo­site of “prim­i­tive” by def­i­n­i­tion. Per­haps such infra­struc­ture seems too com­pli­cat­ed, too much like every­day life. I real­ize we use our words differently. 

I like the qual­i­fi­ca­tion to imag­ine this 100 years from now. It gives us a bit of time to sort out all of the incon­ve­nient road­blocks of cur­rent apa­thy and resis­tance to change. One of the tech­niques Ama­zon is said to use is to start any new project ideas with a press release as a way to make sure the final prod­uct is focused on actu­al cus­tomer needs. Kir­by’s piece reminds me of this. What would it look like to have a strong vision of the Quak­er com­mu­ni­ties we’d like to live in someday?

Ministers, elders, and overseers

October 22, 2018

From Jnana Hod­son, a list­ing of three types of offices in tra­di­tion­al Quak­er meetings:

Tra­di­tion­al­ly, Quak­er meet­ings rec­og­nized and nur­tured indi­vid­u­als who had spir­i­tu­al gifts as min­is­ters, elders, or over­seers. These roles could be filled by men or women, and their ser­vice extend­ed over the entire congregation. 

Many Friends have dropped the term “over­seers” in recent years, out of con­cern for how the word is so asso­ci­at­ed with slav­ery. As I under­stand it, ear­ly Friends’ use of the word came from its use as an Eng­lish trans­la­tion for Episko­pos in the New Tes­ta­ment. They con­sid­ered them­selves to be re-establishing ear­ly Chris­t­ian mod­els. For exam­ple, Acts 20:28:

Take heed there­fore unto your­selves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you over­seers, to feed the church of God, which he hath pur­chased with his own blood. 

Bible trans­la­tions that were geared toward a Catholic audi­ence tend­ed to stick to Latinized words and went with “bish­op” over “over­seer.” Quak­ers wor­ried about the con­no­ta­tion of the word could pro­pose that we just start nam­ing bish­ops. It’s not as nut­ty as it might seem, as there are anabap­tist church­es who use the term to talk about roles with­in indi­vid­ual church­es. Of course, some­times name changes also mask changes in the­ol­o­gy and I noticed that some of the more lib­er­al Quak­er meet­ings dropped “over­seer” with a speed which they are not oth­er­wise known for. Friends today are a lot more indi­vid­u­al­is­tic than Friends were when our insti­tu­tions were set up — there are many good rea­sons for this in our his­to­ries. But I do hope we’re con­tin­u­ing to find ade­quate ways to notice and care for our members.
We need all three – and more

A New Quakerism

July 30, 2018

A cyn­ic might file this under “hope springs eternal”:

A phrase that keeps com­ing to mind is “a new Quak­erism,” and odd­ly enough, I’ve been hear­ing oth­er Friends unknow­ing­ly echo this phrase back to me. It seems to me that many Friends, even those who con­sid­er them­selves “con­vinced,” are hun­gry for more than what the Soci­ety has to offer.

Of course it’s part of our tra­di­tion that it needs to be for­ev­er reborn. You can’t recy­cle ser­mons or use the prop of your uni­ver­si­ty learn­ing as a crutch. We are nev­er to know what might hap­pen when wor­ship starts, since the idea is that it’s direct­ly led in the moment by Christ. It’s also a part of our tra­di­tion that forms are for­ev­er cal­ci­fy­ing and that we need to remem­ber why we’re here and who’s brought us togeth­er. Glad to see the work continue.

A New Quakerism

Quaker Money

July 27, 2018

Here’s a from-the-archives piece I stum­bled again on recent­ly. It’s from New Eng­land his­to­ri­an Bet­sy Caz­den, whose insights on Quak­er cul­ture I adore. She wrote this for Friends Jour­nal in 2006:

How did Friends come to do so well? The stan­dard sto­ry is a vari­ant on the Puri­tan one: Quak­ers became wealthy by work­ing dili­gent­ly; extend­ing their exper­i­men­tal approach to reli­gion to invent new indus­tri­al tech­nolo­gies; trad­ing hon­est­ly (there­by attract­ing cus­tomers); mak­ing pro­duc­tive use of transat­lantic kin­ship net­works; and liv­ing fru­gal­ly, with­out money-drains like drink­ing or gam­bling, there­by free­ing up mon­ey for sav­ings, invest­ment, and phil­an­thropic giv­ing to Quaker-run insti­tu­tions. All of that may be true, but is at best par­tial. The unspo­ken “rest of the sto­ry” has two pieces: land and slaves.

I’m sure I’ve read this arti­cle before (I uncon­scious­ly sum­ma­rized it this past May) but I think it’s an impor­tant dis­cus­sion to rethink every so often.