+Matt Taibbi’s latest Rolling Stone piece explains the anger behind #ows: Wall…

October 27, 2011

Reshared post from +Tim O’Reil­ly

+Matt Taib­bi’s lat­est Rolling Stone piece explains the anger behind #ows: Wall Street Isn’t Win­ning. It’s Cheat­ing. Real­ly excel­lent. Skew­ers the idea that this is class war­fare against the rich, focus­es on the tilt­ed play­ing field.

Embed­ded Link


Wall Street Isn’t Win­ning It’s Cheat­ing | Matt Taib­bi | Rolling Stone
I was at an event on the Upper East Side last Fri­day night when I got to talk­ing with a sales­man in the media busi­ness. The sub­ject turned to Zucott 

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A walk around the Occupy Philly encampment

October 25, 2011

There’s a dif­fer­ent feel since I last vis­it­ed – it’s qui­eter and more lived-in. Less a protest and more a small town. Ser­vices are orga­nized and there’s less peo­ple stand­ing with signs and tak­ing each oth­er’s pictures.

I briefly sat in on the Quaker/Interfaith tent, where a meet­ing was going. I could­n’t hear much but the main issue of busi­ness was how open an inter­faith speak­er’s series should be. I did­n’t have too much time so I qui­et­ly slipped off after­wards to take more pic­tures of Occu­py.

In album Occu­py Philly, 10/25 lunchtime #occu­pyphilly (7 photos)


Part of the “Idea Wall”







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