Wilmington Yearly Meeting splinters

August 1, 2018

Not a sur­prise: Wilm­ing­ton Year­ly Meet­ing (west­ern Ohio and Ten­nessee) is splin­ter­ing along famil­iar lines:

The sep­a­ra­tions stem from a dis­agree­ment over whether same-sex wed­dings are to be per­mit­ted in mem­ber church­es, or as they are often called in the Quak­er tra­di­tion, meet­ings. The church­es leav­ing WYM regard same-sex mar­riage as against the will of God.

It looks like many of the more Evan­gel­i­cal church­es are the ones pulling out of the year­ly meet­ing. The lines of con­tro­ver­sy are sim­i­lar to recent sep­a­ra­tions in Indi­ana and North Car­oli­na Year­ly Meet­ings. The big-tent cen­ter of Mid­west­ern FUM Friends seems to be pret­ty per­ma­nent­ly fractured.
