Who’s the misfit?

Some time back in the 1990s I attend­ed a retreat at Cen­tral Philadel­phia Friends Meet­ing. One exer­cise broke us up into small groups of about eight Friends. I for­get the exact query we were asked to con­sid­er but I remem­ber being sur­prised and then shocked as one Friend after anoth­er con­fessed that they wor­ried they weren’t a good enough Quaker.

Let me assure you these Friends were a sol­id cross-section of the meet­ing’s most respon­si­ble and spir­i­tu­al­ly ground­ed mem­bers, a few of them well-known in the year­ly meet­ing and in nation­al Quak­er circles.

If these Friends weren’t prop­er Friends, who the heck was?

There’s all sorts of poten­tial rea­sons for this sort of impos­tor syn­drome. Those of us who weren’t born in the reli­gious soci­ety don’t have the pedi­gree, per­haps? Maybe we did­n’t go a Quak­er school. Maybe we don’t have the silki­est tongues or flu­en­cy in Quak­erese while give Quak­er min­istry. It’s easy to feel out­side if you’re the wrong race or eth­nic­i­ty, if you’re too loud or too opin­ion­at­ed. But I think part of it is also a long his­to­ry of idol­iz­ing a few cer­tain fig­ures in the dis­tant past. Who of us is up there with Ben­jamin Lay or Lucre­tia Mott or John Wool­man? (This goes the oth­er direc­tion too, in which we some­times over­claim these folks. See Gab­breell James’s “We Are Not John Wool­man.”)

In the first video of Quak­er­S­peak’s eight sea­son, Mary Lin­da McK­in­ney asks, Am I Good Enough to Be a Quaker?

I always march to my own drum­mer and my drum­mer doesn’t play the type of music that any­body around me ever wants to hear. I’m pret­ty much a mis­fit in any com­mu­ni­ty that I’m around, and that includes Quak­ers… But spir­i­tu­al­ly to be a good Quak­er is to seek the will of God as an indi­vid­ual and cor­po­ral­ly with oth­ers, and from that per­spec­tive I feel like I’m a good Quak­er because I do want to live my life let­ting God’s will flow through me and I want to do that in com­mu­ni­ty with others 

I think the RSOF can use all the mis­fits it can attract.

Posted March 18th, 2021 , in Quaker.