Further proof we’ve found the iconic image of 2011, a whole Tumblr of Pepper…

November 22, 2011

Fur­ther proof we’ve found the icon­ic image of 2011, a whole Tum­blr of Pep­per Spray­ing Cop art

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Lit­tle did we know that Pep­per Spray­ing Cop has cracked down on so many famous moments in his­to­ry!! This Tum­blr will help doc­u­ment the long pep­per spray­ing arm of this offi­cer of the law! All images.…. 

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The shrinking middle class of Philadelphia as mapped by the NYTimes

November 16, 2011

Local geo geeks will rec­og­nize that the sharp line of the most recent map almost com­plete­ly coin­cides with the divide between coastal plain and pied­mont.

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Shrink­ing Mid­dle as Income Inequal­i­ty Rises
The share of Amer­i­can fam­i­lies liv­ing in middle-income neigh­bor­hoods has decreased, while the share in afflu­ent or poor neigh­bor­hoods has increased. 

Another slice of lost Philadelphia profiled on HiddenCity, this time my grandmother’s…

November 14, 2011

Anoth­er slice of lost Philadel­phia pro­filed on Hid­denCi­ty, this time my grand­moth­er’s child­hood neighborhood.

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Flash of Dis­cov­ery | Hid­den City Philadelphia
The first Eng­lish speak­ing Luther­an church in the world, locat­ed on Philadel­phi­a’s Franklin Square, was part of an entire neigh­bor­hood demol­ished to make way for the Ben­jamin Franklin Bridge. 

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