Reading the story of Solomon’s dedication of the first Temple, I’m struck…

December 21, 2011

Read­ing the sto­ry of Solomon’s ded­i­ca­tion of the first Tem­ple, I’m struck by how the pow­ers of divine com­mu­ni­ca­tion attrib­uted to the Tem­ple are ones that Christ brought with­in us. We don’t have to go to a spe­cial place in Jerusalem to get God’s atten­tion.

If a man sin against his neigh­bour, and an oath be laid upon him to make him swear, and the oath come before thine altar in this house; If thy peo­ple go out to war against their ene­mies by the way that thou shalt send them, and they pray unto thee toward this city which thou hast cho­sen, and the house which I have built for thy name.

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2 Chron­i­cles 6:22 King James Ver­sion (KJV) — Bible — You​Ver​sion​.com
If a man sin against his neigh­bour, and an oath be laid upon him to make him swear, and the oath come before thine altar in this house; 

SOPA would likely cause far more damage than it’s worth, keep the internet free…

December 15, 2011

SOPA would like­ly cause far more dam­age than it’s worth, keep the inter­net free from cor­po­rate cen­sor­ship. #sopa

Reshared post from +Sergey Brin

In just two decades, the world wide web has trans­formed and democ­ra­tized access to infor­ma­tion all around the world. I am proud of the role Google has played along­side many oth­ers such as Yahoo, Wikipedia, and Twit­ter. Whether you are a stu­dent in an inter­net cafe in the devel­op­ing world or a head of state of a wealthy nation, the knowl­edge of the world is at your fingertips.

Of course, offer­ing these ser­vices has come with its chal­lenges. Mul­ti­ple coun­tries have sought to sup­press the flow of infor­ma­tion to serve their own polit­i­cal goals. At var­i­ous times notable Google web­sites have been blocked in Chi­na, Iran, Libya (pri­or to their rev­o­lu­tion), Tunisia (also pri­or to rev­o­lu­tion), and oth­ers. For our own web­sites and for the inter­net as a whole we have worked tire­less­ly to com­bat inter­net cen­sor­ship around the world along­side gov­ern­ments and NGO pro­mot­ing free speech.

Thus, imag­ine my aston­ish­ment when the newest threat to free speech has come from none oth­er but the Unit­ed States. Two bills cur­rent­ly mak­ing their way through con­gress — SOPA and PIPA — give the US gov­ern­ment and copy­right hold­ers extra­or­di­nary pow­ers includ­ing the abil­i­ty to hijack DNS and cen­sor search results (and this is even with­out so much as a prop­er court tri­al). While I sup­port their goal of reduc­ing copy­right infringe­ment (which I don’t believe these acts would accom­plish), I am shocked that our law­mak­ers would con­tem­plate such mea­sures that would put us on a par with the most oppres­sive nations in the world.

This is why I signed on to the fol­low­ing open let­ter with many oth­er founders — http://​dq99alanzv66m​.cloud​front​.net/​s​o​p​a​/​i​m​g​/12 – 14-letter.pdf
See also: http://​amer​i​can​cen​sor​ship​.org/ and http://​enginead​vo​ca​cy​.org/

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http://​dq99alanzv66m​.cloud​front​.net/​s​o​p​a​/​i​m​g​/12 – 14-letter.pdf

1840 Anti-Slavery Society Convention

December 13, 2011

This is a cool paint­ing that we’ll be using to accom­pa­ny an upcom­ing Friends Jour­nal (friend​sjour​nal​.org) arti­cle on Lucre­tia Mott. 

Lots of cool things about this. #1 is that we made pos­i­tive ID of the pic­ture via Google Gog­gles image search (tech­nol­o­gy FTW!). is that the image map on the linked page lets you pick out a num­ber of the par­tic­i­pants; Lucre­ti­a’s not labeled but pre­sum­ably she’s the woman next to James Mott, who’s near the right side look­ing down. is that the fiery speak­er is none oth­er than Thomas Clark­son, the Angli­can whose “Por­trai­ture of Quak­erism” is a must-read for the Quak­er geek set.

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Template:Anti-Slavery Soci­ety Con­ven­tion 1840 — Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[edit] Using an Imagemap. The image map is most­ly obvi­ous as it will show you what will hap­pen if you just move your cur­sor over the pic­ture. The one thing that does con­fuse is try­ing to see a full vi… 

This is pretty messed up

December 10, 2011

We’re about to see pub­lic trans­porta­tion tax ben­e­fit cut in half while car com­muters see an increase. The NYTimes unrav­els the his­to­ry of pol­i­tics that brought us to this back­wards devel­op­ment. See also: com​muter​ben​e​fitswork​forus​.com

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Why Dri­vers May Get More Com­muter Tax Ben­e­fits Than Bus Riders
The pre­tax com­muter ben­e­fit has tak­en dif­fer­ent forms over the years, and the 2012 ver­sion will ben­e­fit car dri­vers more than bus and train riders. 

An unlikely story from twit​ter​.com/​@​e​r​r​o​l​m​o​r​ris on a conspiracy that never was.

November 28, 2011

An unlike­ly sto­ry from twit​ter​.com/​@​e​r​r​o​l​m​o​r​ris on a con­spir­a­cy that nev­er was.

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‘The Umbrel­la Man’
On the 48th anniver­sary of the assas­si­na­tion of Pres­i­dent John F. Kennedy, Errol Mor­ris takes a crit­i­cal look at the one man seen stand­ing under an open black umbrel­la at the site. 

Took a lunch-time trip to the US Mint with the 8yo today

November 28, 2011

It’s free, open Mon­days, and is self-guided and thus needs no reser­va­tions. No cam­eras allowed though so lit­tle in the way of social media to come of it. What was most sur­pris­ing is how emp­ty the shop floor was – much of it is auto­mat­ed, with robots to move the heavy coils and con­vey­or belts to shut­tle the coins in-progress. Every once in awhile you’d see some­one walk­ing across the floor, open­ing a machine up and adjust­ing some­thing but it seemed like almost a lone­ly job. #g+

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The Unit­ed States Mint About Us
Search searchar­row. Home; Direc­tor’s Office; EEO; Annu­al Report; Facil­i­ties; Tours; Careers; His­to­ri­an’s Cor­ner; Sculp­tor — Engravers; Artis­tic Infu­sion Pro­gram; Coin Pro­duc­tion; Coin Specific…