Took a lunch-time trip to the US Mint with the 8yo today

It’s free, open Mon­days, and is self-guided and thus needs no reser­va­tions. No cam­eras allowed though so lit­tle in the way of social media to come of it. What was most sur­pris­ing is how emp­ty the shop floor was – much of it is auto­mat­ed, with robots to move the heavy coils and con­vey­or belts to shut­tle the coins in-progress. Every once in awhile you’d see some­one walk­ing across the floor, open­ing a machine up and adjust­ing some­thing but it seemed like almost a lone­ly job. #g+

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The Unit­ed States Mint About Us
Search searchar­row. Home; Direc­tor’s Office; EEO; Annu­al Report; Facil­i­ties; Tours; Careers; His­to­ri­an’s Cor­ner; Sculp­tor — Engravers; Artis­tic Infu­sion Pro­gram; Coin Pro­duc­tion; Coin Specific…