Emily Provance on QuakerSpeak

The first remote­ly record­ed Quak­er­S­peak inter­view of the Coro­n­avirus era is appro­pri­ate­ly giv­en to Emi­ly Provance, a trav­el­ing Quak­er min­is­ter who has been devot­ing her­self to both in-person and online trav­el, with a par­tic­u­lar con­cern for mak­ing our wor­ship­ping com­mu­ni­ties acces­si­ble for all.

As some­one who trav­els in the min­istry, Emi­ly Provance is already used to con­nect­ing with her home meet­ing remote­ly. In this vir­tu­al inter­view, Emi­ly explains how Quak­ers can use online tools to wor­ship togeth­er — and not just in emer­gency circumstances. 
