Diversity why?

Craig Bar­nett on diver­si­ty in our meetings:

But Friends who are not sat­is­fied with these excus­es, and want to encour­age real dia­logue about the pos­si­bil­i­ty of more inclu­sive Quak­er com­mu­ni­ties, are often unclear about the specif­i­cal­ly Quak­er moti­va­tion for this. Are there any rea­sons, beyond so-called ‘polit­i­cal cor­rect­ness’, why Quak­ers should have a par­tic­u­lar con­cern for the diver­si­ty of our Meet­ings and our movement? 

It’s good to ask these ques­tions but Craig’s answer feels half-hearted to me. It boils down to Quak­er process: we can make bet­ter deci­sions if we have more diverse per­spec­tives. That’s cer­tain­ly true, but the prob­lem could just as eas­i­ly be solved by dis­solv­ing the Friends move­ment and join­ing in with more diverse com­mu­ni­ties (some­thing indi­vid­ual Friends have done). Ask­ing peo­ple to join us because it will solve our prob­lems isn’t a very strong mar­ket­ing pitch. What is it we pos­sess that we should be shar­ing more widely?

Posted May 12th, 2020 , in Quaker.

One thought on “Diversity why?

  1. To quote Robert Barclay:

    Christ “hath tast­ed death for every man,” not only for all kinds of men, as some vain­ly talk, but for every man of all kinds;

    Which has a bit of an inter­sec­tion­al ring to it in my mind. (Recall the term “inter­sec­tion­al” comes from Kim­ber­le Cren­shaw’s analy­sis of a court case where a com­pa­ny was found not guilty of either sex­ist dis­crim­i­na­tion or racist dis­crim­i­na­tion because they had white women and Black men, even though they would­n’t hire Black women.)

    But your last line…yes. My out­reach efforts with meet­ings have includ­ed a lot of try­ing to get them to con­sid­er what they have that oth­ers would want. Yes, yes, I know you want more peo­ple so that the meet­ing will sur­vive long enough for some­one to take care of the meet­ing­house bur­ial ground once you’re in it. That’s not a com­pelling rea­son for them to join. And “you can believe any­thing you want” is just as true of sim­ply not join­ing a faith com­mu­ni­ty at all!

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