FJ Poetry Editor search

Friends Jour­nal is look­ing for a new vol­un­teer poet­ry edi­tor. Basic details on the poet­ry edi­tor search can be found here: https://​www​.friend​sjour​nal​.org/​p​o​e​t​r​y​e​d​i​t​or/.

The work con­sists of sort­ing through new sub­mis­sions that come in via Sub­mit­table, the online sub­mis­sion ser­vice we use, and choos­ing two poems a month for the mag­a­zine and declin­ing the ones we won’t pub­lish. We esti­mate this takes 10 hours a month (though of course it depends on the thor­ough­ness of the edi­tor). The mag­a­zine has only had two poet­ry edi­tors in its his­to­ry and both have worked dif­fer­ent­ly. One liked talk­ing over poems with FJ edi­to­r­i­al staff while the oth­er was hap­py to make the call her­self, only ping­ing us when she want­ed a sec­ond opinion.

There’s more than an ambi­tious edi­tor might do like find­ing ways to encour­age more Friends to write and sub­mit poet­ry to us, or giv­ing help­ful feed­back to promis­ing poets even when we don’t pub­lish their work. Inter­est­ed peo­ple can con­tact me if they have more questions.

Posted October 21st, 2019 , in Quaker.