Apparently our weddings are now deemed glamorous


This line is one of my favorites: “Accord­ing to the His­to­ry Chan­nel, an Eng­lish Dis­senter called George Fox estab­lished the Reli­gious Soci­ety of Friends, or the Quak­er Move­ment, in Eng­land in the 1800s.” I’m not sure what’s worse: admit­ting you’re sourc­ing your work from the His­to­ry Chan­nel or get­ting the date wrong by a cou­ple of cen­turies (Quak­erism is con­sid­ered to have start­ed in 1652).

But in real­i­ty, I’m not sure you need to click through to the arti­cle unless you want to see just how bad it’s got­ten on some of these SEO-chasing con­tent farms. I’m pret­ty sure this was large­ly writ­ten by AI. The ZeroG­PT detec­tor picked up some sen­tences; I checked oth­er arti­cles writ­ten under the same bylines and ZeroG­PT lights up whole paragraphs.