Love in the Time of Coronavirus

From my col­league Gabe Ehri:

One of the few con­stants in the uni­verse is change. The cos­mos tends toward entropy and dis­or­der, and we humans do all we can to exer­cise agency, to cre­ate order, to rec­og­nize beau­ty and jus­tice. Like oth­er peo­ple, Quak­ers have cre­at­ed insti­tu­tions — church­es, NGOs, and schools, for exam­ple — to ful­fill shared social and prac­ti­cal needs and to enjoy the sta­bil­i­ty that comes with hav­ing some­thing to hold onto in a chang­ing world.

Posted March 18th, 2020 , in Quaker.