New Pacifist Introductions

Clark Han­jian has recent­ly writ­ten “A Paci­fist Primer”:/issues/pacifist_primer.php, a great intro­duc­tion to clas­sic pacifism.
bq. For all of my adult life, I have been a paci­fist and asso­ci­at­ed with paci­fists. We are a minor­i­ty, large­ly mis­un­der­stood, and often dis­par­aged. In light of our pre­car­i­ous stand­ing, I would like to clar­i­fy what many of us mean when we say “I am a pacifist.”
New­ly dis­cov­ered: the “Bruder­hof Peace­mak­ers Guide”: From their description:
bq. Any­one can be a peace­mak­er. The Bruder­hof Peace­mak­ers Guide was cre­at­ed to inspire and empow­er you to work for peace, and to arm you with liv­ing proof of the pow­er of non­vi­o­lence to effect change and resolve con­flicts. Some of the peace­mak­ers fea­tured on this web­site are famous, oth­ers obscure, but all have ded­i­cat­ed their lives to build­ing a more peace­ful and just world through non­vi­o­lent means. For each you will find a short biog­ra­phy, an orig­i­nal por­trait, and links to fur­ther reading.