Quakers Today podcast launched

So the new pod­cast, Quak­ers Today, offi­cial debuted yes­ter­day, with episode one look­ing at Quak­ers and Fic­tion (no coin­ci­dence that this is also the theme of the Novem­ber 2022 Friends Jour­nal). There’s an excerpt from a read­ing from Anne E.G. Nydam’s sto­ry, “The Con­duits” (you can read it here and hear her entire read­ing here) and excerpts from last year’s Cai Quirk Quak­er­S­peak inter­view. The pod­cast also has a call-in voice­mail line (we snagged 317-QUAKERS) so you’ll hear a cou­ple of peo­ple at the end shar­ing lit­er­a­ture that has shaped them.

The pod­cast comes out every month and you can sub­scribe in your favorite pod­cast ser­vice. We’ll have prompts for Decem­ber’s voice­mail line in a few weeks. A big shoutout to Peter­son Toscano, who is not only the online per­son­al­i­ty of the show but the pod­cast wiz­ard who has put it all togeth­er. Thanks too to Quak­er Vol­un­tary Ser­vice, which has jumped in to spon­sor the first season.

The new pod­cast has a video promo!

Posted November 16th, 2022 , in Quaker.