The testimonies redux on Friends Journal

Since Friend­sJour­nal pub­lish­es a com­bined June/July issue there aren’t any new fea­ture arti­cles com­ing out until August 1, so our social media guru Ron Hogan has been curat­ing inter­est­ing arti­cles he’s found in our archives. Eric Moon’s 2013 arti­cle, Cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly Not the Tes­ti­monies has had a bit of a sec­ond life, spark­ing new com­ments. Oth­er archival finds he’s curat­ed include Bashō Joins Our Strug­gle by Jeff Rob­bins and Coun­selor Ori­en­ta­tion ’99 by Pete Dybdahl.

And new on Quak­er­S­peak: The Spir­i­tu­al­i­ty of Sto­ry­telling. “My art,” Cai Quirk says, “is an expres­sion of my faith.” They also co-wrote an arti­cle with Alli­son Kirkegaard ear­li­er this year, “A Wit­ness to Teth­ers and Trans­for­ma­tion,” full of obser­va­tions about 16 year­ly meet­ing ses­sions only pos­si­ble because they were held over Zoom.

Posted July 30th, 2021 , in Quaker.