Featured on Friends Journal this week.

Con­tin­u­ing with Sep­tem­ber’s Quak­er Arts issue:

Art Is Pray­ing with My Whole Body.” Cai Quirk’s jour­neys as a life­long Quak­er, artist, and gender-diverse per­son are inex­tri­ca­bly linked. Cai sub­mit­ted two arti­cles to us: this text explo­ration of their work and a series of pho­tos titled “Tran­scen­dence.” We liked them so much we decid­ed to pub­lish both (one online and the oth­er both in print and online). Unbe­knownst to me, Cai also sub­mit­ted a poem, which our poet­ry edi­tor chose. When it came time to decide on a cov­er, Cai’s pho­tos stood out more than any of the oth­er selec­tions we test­ed out. I’m pret­ty sure we’ve nev­er had some­one appear in so many forms before.

It’s Not a Lux­u­ry: Eight Quak­er Artists on the Heal­ing Pow­er of Art.” Johan­na Jack­son spent time with sev­er­al Quak­er artists, ask­ing them about their art and spir­i­tu­al prac­tice dur­ing the pandemic.

Posted September 22nd, 2022 , in Quaker. Tagged