Friends Journal hiring a staff writer

Want to work with me? Friends Pub­lish­ing Cor­po­ra­tion, the par­ent cor­po­ra­tion of Friends Jour­nal, Quak­er Speak, and Quak​er​.org, is look­ing for our first-ever staff writer 1. We’re look­ing for some­one with jour­nal­is­tic chops who is also famil­iar with the cir­cus that is the Reli­gious Soci­ety of Friends.

Friends Jour­nal will con­tin­ue to have arti­cles from every-day Friends shar­ing their min­istry and their view of Quak­er life. But with a staff writer we’ll be able to run more deeply report­ed and top­i­cal sto­ries. We’ve been com­mis­sion­ing these already. For exam­ple, in 2019 Erik Han­son report­ed on how a Quak­er school respond­ed to long-ago accu­sa­tions of sex­u­al abuse. When the coro­n­avirus lock­downs hit we com­mis­sioned a quick-turnaround sto­ry from Katie Bres­lin on how Quak­er meet­ings were respond­ing and anoth­er by Greg Woods on the then-novel con­cept of com­muning online. And for years we’ve con­duct­ed inter­views of inter­est­ing Friends who are either too busy to write or per­haps not nat­ur­al writ­ers. With only two of us in edi­to­r­i­al there have been so many times we have to say no to fab­u­lous inter­view pos­si­bil­i­ty. A staff writer will gives us the oppor­tu­ni­ty to include these voic­es more often.

Here’s an excerpt from the job description:

Friends Pub­lish­ing Cor­po­ra­tion, a non­prof­it Quak­er mag­a­zine and web pub­lish­ing orga­ni­za­tion, seeks a staff writer to join our team. The Staff Writer will work remote­ly, though they may occa­sion­al­ly trav­el to FPC’s Philadel­phia office or oth­er loca­tions as need­ed for all-staff activ­i­ties or to cov­er sto­ries. Trav­el is like­ly to be less than 2 weeks per year. This posi­tion reports to the Senior Editor.

You can check out the jobs page for more. If you know any­one who might qual­i­fy, please please let them know. This real­ly is a remote-friendly position!

  1. As far as I know: our his­to­ry goes back almost 200 years, so you’d need a ded­i­cat­ed archivist to deter­mine whether any­one ever got reg­u­lar­ly paid for writ­ing dispatches.