Friends Journal podcasting is back!

It is the sea­son of the pod­cast in Quak­er­land. In the last few weeks I’ve shared Pen­dle Hill’s new pod­cast and the new one from Irish Friends and hint­ed more were on the way.

One of those is a new pod­cast from Friends Jour­nal called Quak­ers Today. Pro­duced by the most excel­lent Peter­son Toscano, it’s a month­ly pod­cast that will fea­ture a mix of Friends Jour­nal arti­cles and Quak­er­S­peak inter­views — and what­ev­er else we put in there. Peter­son­’s been doing pod­casts since for­ev­er ago (he start­ed back when we would describe our infor­mal blog net­works as “the Quak­er Blo­gos­phere” with no hint of irony) and he brings a great ener­gy to the show. It’s fun watch­ing Friends Jour­nal blos­som in this new medium.

Those with long mem­o­ries will remem­ber that Friends Jour­nal had a pod­cast series that ran for three years start­ing in 2013, con­sist­ing of authors read­ing their sto­ries and the audio to our YouTube author chats. It was fun (I loved the poet­ry read­ings like this one), but it nev­er got many lis­ten­ers and we final­ly end­ed it in 2016 to give more focus to our core work.

It’s nice to be back! I’ve heard the first draft of the first issue and Peter­son­’s done a great job with it. You can lis­ten to the pro­mo below and find it wher­ev­er you get your pod­cast fix.

Posted October 25th, 2022 , in Quaker.