War is (still) not the answer

Over on Friends Jour­nal, we’re reshar­ing this 2014 inter­view with Diane Ran­dall, who was then head of Friends Com­mit­tee on Nation­al Legislation.

Diane’s suc­ces­sor Brid­get Moix, has writ­ten a State­ment on Rus­si­a’s inva­sion of Ukraine. These kinds of state­ments always depress me because they’re always so pre­dictable — war is stu­pid, we’re Quak­ers, we believe in peace, every­one should back off of the war — but what else can you do? The truth is the truth, no mat­ter how many times we have to repeat it. Rinse and repeat as nations con­tin­ue to use mil­i­tary force to oppress others.

War is Not the Answer

Posted February 25th, 2022 , in Quaker.