A Lamb’s War skirmish

On Abid­ing Quak­er, Patri­cia Dall­mann tells a sto­ry of two very dif­fer­ent Quak­ers:

Unbe­knownst to him or to me that morn­ing, we each embod­ied a force that in rela­tion to the oth­er, as Pen­ing­ton wrote, had “no com­mu­nion or peace between them”; these forces con­tend (like the two kings referred to in the epi­graph) for the soul of human­i­ty: to edi­fy or to destroy. Though this Sun­day morn­ing inci­dent involved only two peo­ple in an emp­ty meet­ing­house, it was, nev­er­the­less, the Lamb’s War: a skir­mish in which the pow­ers clashed, pow­ers which when pit­ted against one anoth­er on a grander scale deter­mine history. 

Posted February 1st, 2020 , in Quaker.