AI’s Quaker answers are old news

Some­times I high­light respons­es that have come into Quak­er Ranter. Elaine Leet wrote a nice email that about my post on the AI chat­bots using Friends Jour­nal as a source for mate­r­i­al for their Quak­er respons­es. Here’s part of her message:

The most impor­tant thing to keep in mind about Chat­G­PT and AI, IMO, is that it’s from the past and about the past, all his­to­ry and estab­lished pat­terns… Friends Jour­nal is about the present and the future, espe­cial­ly those won­der­ful videos fea­tur­ing real present-day Friends. The Now and Tomor­row need to be our focus.

Read her full response in the com­ment sec­tion.

Posted April 27th, 2023 , in Quaker. Tagged