Early November Links

Craig Bar­nett break­ing down the sup­posed dichoto­my between activist and mys­ti­cal Friends: “There is no stan­dard tem­plate for a ‘good Quak­er’ or a moral or spir­i­tu­al per­son. Each of us has to dis­cov­er our own gifts and our own con­tri­bu­tion to the world’s needs, accord­ing to the inward guid­ance that is avail­able to us.”

Jesus and indi­vid­u­al­ism is the top­ic of lat­est ser­mon from Mic­ah Bales. “But the good news is not that we are all free to be indi­vid­u­als… The gospel is that we are drawn into an organ­ic com­mu­ni­ty of dis­ci­ples, of chil­dren of God.”

Johan Mau­r­er weighs the cost of trav­el. In-person gath­er­ings can be life chang­ing but can we find alter­na­tives that don’t cre­ate so much carbon?

In Friends Jour­nal, staff writer Sharlee DiMenichi reports on Quak­er reac­tions to the Israel Defense Forces – Hamas War. A view­point opin­ion by Steve Chase calls for a cease­fire and out­lines work by Jew­ish and Quak­er peace groups.

Posted October 31st, 2023 , in Quaker.