End of an era: the Quaker Motto Calendar ends after 140+ years

Jim Smart has a charm­ing rem­i­nisce of a fad­ing Philadel­phia Quak­er tra­di­tion:

I don’t remem­ber what the Mot­to cal­en­dars cost when I first began buy­ing them, prob­a­bly in the ’60s. It was a pleas­ant Decem­ber chore to stop in at the lit­tle old Quak­er meet­ing house on 12th Street near Mar­ket that had sur­vived when the PSFS build­ing began scrap­ing the sky next door.
I’d buy the new cal­en­dar from Mrs. Eliz­a­beth Lewis at the front desk, who would greet me, “How is thee today?” and prove that I was still in the Quak­er City.
 — More

I must admit I haven’t thought of the Mot­to Cal­en­dar in years but they cer­tain­ly have been their own qui­et rem­nant of a Philadel­phia Quak­er world that’s large­ly dis­ap­peared. I remem­ber sell­ing them myself in the late 1990s from the Quaker­Books shop on the 1200 block of Arch (though I didn’t address any cus­tomer as “thee,” alas).

Here is Augus­ta Scat­ter­good’s blog post announc­ing the end. She also wrote a lit­tle bit of fam­i­ly his­to­ry about it in 2010.

Update: Friends Jour­nal has writ­ten a more thor­ough­ly sourced arti­cle on this. And appar­ent­ly there is a move­ment to con­tin­ue the cal­en­dars. Con­tact scattergoodmotto@gmail.com for information

Posted September 27th, 2020 , in Quaker.