Gone and back

On Friends Jour­nal,  the sto­ry of a Friend who left (dis­tract­ed wor­ship, spir­i­tu­al doubts) but came back when the lock­down closed the church she attend­ed and opened her Quak­er meet­ing via Zoom

But this only tan­gen­tial­ly a COVID sto­ry. The real lessons are the wor­ship: she need­ed more vocal min­istry than her meet­ing was giv­ing her, then need­ed more silence than her new church had pro­vid­ed. Indi­vid­u­als are com­pli­cat­ed and sur­pris­ing. I’m glad Friends were there to wel­come her back and won­der whether the rel­a­tive acces­si­bil­i­ty of online wor­ship 1 allowed a “prodi­gal child” to eas­i­ly slip back in to Quak­er worship.

  1. Yes, assum­ing good inter­net and a device that can han­dle Zoom
Posted October 28th, 2020 , in Quaker.