Hanging with the high schoolers

At the PYM High School Friends retreat, Fall 2009Had a good time with Philadel­phia Year­ly Meet­ing high school Friends yes­ter­day, two mini-session on the tes­ti­monies in the mid­dle of their end-of-summer gath­er­ing. The sec­ond ses­sion was an attempt at a write-your-own tes­ti­monies exer­cise, fueled by my testimonies-as-wiki idea and ground­ed by pas­sages from an 1843 Book of Dis­ci­pline and Thomas Clark­son’s “Por­trai­ture”. My hope was that by reverse-engineering the old tes­ti­monies we might get an appre­ci­a­tion for their spir­i­tu­al focus. The exer­cise needs a bit of tweak­ing but I’ll try to fix it up and write it out in case oth­ers want to try it with local Friends.

The invite came when the pro­gram coor­di­na­tor googled “quak­er tes­ti­monies” and found the video below (loose tran­script is here):

3 thoughts on “Hanging with the high schoolers

  1. Mean­while, what tes­ti­monies did they come up with? Or at least, what was the gen­er­al fla­vor of what they came up with? 

    1. @Kathleen: one of the improve­ments I would make is to be clear­er about what I want­ed them to end up with at the end of the ses­sion. If I get a chance to do it again I’ll get a writ­ten para­graph or two out of each of the groups, a sort of draft tes­ti­mo­ny to present. 

      As it was, respons­es were all over the place. Where they had already spent time think­ing about an issue as Friends they were very artic­u­late (Rela­tion­ships group: “Are you treat­ing the oth­er per­son with respect? Are you hon­est?”). Where it was a trendy cause they had trou­ble get­ting out of the stock indi­vid­u­al­ist answer (Trans­porta­tion group: “Hybrid cars are good, but it’s even bet­ter to use pub­lic trans­porta­tion and ride bicy­cles.”) Most groups were some­where in-between and maybe a third stayed close to shore with tau­to­log­i­cal answers (“X is good except when it’s not”).

      It’s all good, of course. The offi­cial take-away mes­sage is that behav­iors can bring us clos­er to God or push us away, and that it’s okay for a group to set com­mu­ni­ty expec­ta­tions of behav­ior. The “medi­um is the mes­sage” mes­sage is that there are weird-dressing Quak­ers who crack open 1843 Books of Dis­ci­pline to see what they say. Who knows what might stick. This was a blip in a week of late-summer fun and as I left the smell of burn­ing sage waft­ed out of the din­ing hall in prepa­ra­tion for the sweat lodge. It was nice being in the space where I played a wacky game of pick-up vol­ley­ball game with Kody way back when he was a high schooler!

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