Jobs disappearing thread

A good piece in the NYTimes on the stag­nant jobs fac­ing blue-collar Amer­i­ca. I won­der if they would have writ­ten this if the votes had bro­ken a dif­fer­ent way and we were all talk­ing of Hillary as pres­i­dent elect. A quote:

For work­ers like Mr. Roell, 36, who start­ed at Car­ri­er just weeks after receiv­ing his high school diplo­ma and nev­er returned to school, the prob­lem is not a short­age of jobs in the area. Instead, it is a drought of jobs that pay any­where near the $23.83 an hour he makes at Car­ri­er, let alone enough to give him a toe­hold in the mid­dle class

Great sto­ries and good reporting.