Late October Links

My friend Chris Stern has an arti­cle on the Philadel­phia Year­ly Meet­ing site about accom­pa­ny­ing a younger Friend trav­el­ing in min­istry: “I had been called to trav­el in the min­istry among Friends as a young man (around Matt’s age) and didn’t know what this meant or how to pro­ceed. Some old­er friends had encour­aged me and trav­eled with me to help me find my way. Now I could do this for Matt.”

On Friends Jour­nal, If Quak­ers Were (Also) Witch­es by Sara Jole­na Wol­cott, who was also on this mon­th’s Quak­ers Today pod­cast) and a series of sto­ries from Mary Lin­da McK­in­ney on spir­i­tu­al trav­els after she felt led to slow down her Quak­er activ­i­ties to “expand my aware­ness of the Divine.”

Posted October 24th, 2023 , in Quaker.